2019 Great Food Hall Xmas Catalogue 2019GreatFoodHallXmasCatalogue_compressed | Page 33
Free-Range Turkeys
Once again this year, we have entrusted Mary Pitman with raising a range of turkeys specially for you. We are proud to partner
with this third-generation farming family who are wholeheartedly committed to animal welfare and sustainable agricultural
practices. Raised with respect and compassion in a natural way with ample outdoor pastures for roaming, Mary’s free-range
turkeys enjoy a healthy, grain-rich diet that is free of antibiotics, animal by-products, hormones, preservatives and additives.
This all translates into a top-tasting turkey that punches through with flavour at the heart of your Christmas feast.
Visit www.maryturkeys.com to learn more.
Roasting T ips
Planning to cook your own turkey? Here are
some useful guidelines that will ensure a
perfectly moist and delicious bird.
Pre-order is required, please refer to the attached Order Form for details.