2019 Direct Services Grant Program NOFA 2019 Direct Services NOFA | Page 12

• • Demonstrates evidence of partnerships/collaborations Includes matching cash funds The Foundation reserves the right to: 1) reject any application submitted that does not meet the Direct Services application guidelines; 2) reject an application that does not include all the required attachments or use the Foundation’s templates; 3) reject an application whose funding request exceeds 25% of the applicant organization’s operating expense budget; 4) reject an application based on issues identified in the financial statements (operating budget and audit); 5) adjust the budget and/ or outcomes submitted; and 6) contact you to discuss your proposal and/or to request additional information. CASE STATEMENT Applicants must develop a brief case statement including the organization’s mission and evidence of the organization’s history of performance and effectiveness of preventing and managing chronic diseases, and investment in underserved communities and/or vulnerable populations. Applicants are required to describe the demographics of the clients and communities who have benefitted from the organization’s services and describe how recipients have benefitted in quantifiable terms. This should also include information on why the organization is uniquely qualified to implement this program based on previous performance and specific accomplishments attributed to the individual organization. IMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE INTERVENTIONS EFFECTIVE PRACTICES e Applicants must demonstrate they are implementing effective interventions by outlining how key aspects of promising practices will be put into place as intended, but also tailored to meet local needs. 19 Promising practices may have some practice-based evidence such as evaluation data, with a limited number of participants or a specific population. Applicants must cite and demonstrate through available existing research or evaluation data that the proposed program is at least a promising practice and show how they have carefully adapted this effective practice to be culturally appropriate and specific to the target population without changing the program key elements likely to make it effective. Evidence-based and best practices interventions must demonstrate they have undergone either a rigorous evaluation or a systematic review of available research or information indicating that the intervention/program results in the desired outcome. Despite evidence indicating their effects, these practices are not always effective in new or different situations. For example, increasing access to health services by lengthening clinic hours may not improve outcomes if language issues are the actual barriers. 19 There may not be proven “program packages” that fit across all populations, settings and situations. Applicants will need to identify the current barriers to preventing and managing chronic ___________________________________________________________________________ 19 Kansas University Community Tool Box. Retrieved May 31, 2018 http://ctb.ku.edu/en/best-change-processes/implementing-effective-interventions/overview 10 Healthcare Georgia Foundation ◼ 2019 Direct Services Grant Program NOFA ◼ Issued June 25, 2019