2019 CIIP Program Book CIIP Booklet 2019 | Page 53
Community Partner: YouthWorks
Intern: Faith K. Brown
Site Supervisor: Jon Smeton
What is YouthWorks?
YouthWorks is Baltimore City’s summer jobs program, offering thousands of youth
ages 14-21 five-week job experiences with non-profit, government, and private-sector
The past eight weeks have absolutely flown by. My experience with CIIP and YouthWorks as a
whole have been riddled with plenty of highs and some not-so-highs. Initially, my placement
seemed like way more responsibility than I had ever handled on my own before, but both my su-
pervisor and the past YouthWorks interns encouraged me that I would find my way and do great.
Based on my interview, my supervisor Jon allowed me to choose a project to improve YouthWorks
that was based on my interests and background. As a disability advocate and someone who wants
to work in special education in the future, we decided that I could do a project on improving
YouthWorks’ methods for accommodating YouthWorkers with disabilities.
I was also tasked with supervising a team of five YouthWorkers who made up the Youth Analyst
Team. We traveled to 70 sites across the city and conducted interviews with the YouthWorkers
and their supervisors to get feedback on how to improve the program. Working as a supervisor
for these teens has given me such a wider perspective on the amount of responsibility and work
that youth are able to handle. Each day, I learned something new from one of the YouthWorkers.
They toured me around their city and taught me the history of different areas. They also complet-
ed over 350 surveys, which is more than has been done before by any other Youth Analyst Team.
They always brought a positive attitude and lots of laughs. I don’t know how I lucked out with 5
perfect workers, but I am eternally grateful for them.
After the data collection was complete, we worked to analyze the data and compile it into a final
report and final presentation to be presented in front of the Director of YouthWorks and other
administrators from the organization. I already had high expectations for them, but the analysts
exceeded every goal I set. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work at this organization where
we could see the tangible change that our work will produce for future YouthWorkers. I would not
trade this internship experience for any other in the world. Thank you Jon, Youth Analysts, and
• Created and conducted surveys with
YouthWorks worksite supervisors to
gain feedback on how to improve the
• Supervised team of 5 YouthWorkers
aged 15-18 independently for 25
hours weekly
• Administered four-day orientation
covering professionalism, surveying,
and basics of data analysis
• Researched methods to improve dis-
ability services at YouthWorks and how
to adequately accommodate youth
with disabilities
• Produced final presentation and
report to suggest tangible improve-
ments to be made to YouthWorks
summer jobs program