2019 CIIP Program Book CIIP Booklet 2019 | Page 14

When thinking about peace what comes into mind? Now with that thought in your head how would you teach it to kids that range from being in kindergarten to middle school? As I prepared for the summer with By Peaceful Means, a summer camp that wanted to teach kids in the neigh- borhood about peace, I couldn’t think of an answer. Initially nervous about this lack of clearness, I took it as an opportunity when, during orientation, someone said, “This summer, we might be doing work that we did not necessarily expect that we would be doing, or something that does not necessarily align with our own personal goals. Regardless, do that work to be of service to that organization or to that community.” With this quote in mind and my initial lack of knowledge on how peace could be taught, I began to work for Peace Camp with no initial expectations, and a determination to do whatever was needed. Now, after working for almost two Peace Camps, I couldn’t be happier with the fact that I couldn’t answer my initial question. Going into Peace Camp with an attitude of participating but not an- ticipating nurtured an experience through which I learned so much from everybody around me. I watched in amazement as Peace Camp beautifully emerged into life this summer. In working from my initial position, I slowly began to witness a particular philosophy of peace permeating through camp and being able to understand this philosophy quickly became the most momentous thing I gained from this summer. This philosophy emerged from the adults, but also from the kids, partic- ularly when they gave “sunshine,” basically a compliment, to each other. At the end of each and every day, even when the kids were being incredibly frustrating, I could not help but be amazed at the level of compassion and empathy exhibited by the kids during sunshine. In a way, sunshine helped me to answer the question I initially posed to myself and the question I am posing to you right now. Yes, you can teach peace by just lecturing at kids about specific strategies, but more than that it is about curating an environment in which a kid, especially kids here in Baltimore who’ve had to grow up so quickly, can fully be a kid. Thanks to Nawal, Jessica, Jason, Tamika, Elise, Willah, all the Youthworkers, CIIP, Baltimore, and the kids for an incredible, life-changing summer! Community Partner: By Peaceful Means Intern: Kenneth Vitty Site Supervisor: Nawal Rajeh What is By Peaceful Means? By Peaceful Means has a mission to interrupt physical and structur- al violence by empowering youth through peace education, advo- cacy, and employment. • Co-taught approximately 15 elementary and mid- dle school campers in peace education • Supported campers both academically and emo- tionally throughout the summer • Kept campers safe while facilitating a fun summer experience • Became an expert in Uno, Chess, and Connect Four! 13