2019 CIIP Program Book CIIP Booklet 2019 | Page 11

Community Partner: Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition Peer Mentor: Reah Vasilakopoulos Site Supervisor: Harriet Smith What is the Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition? BHRC mobilizes community members for the health, digni- ty, and safety of people targeted by the war on drugs and anti-sex worker policies. We advocate for harm reduction as part of a broader movement for social justice. • Managed logistics for opioid overdose response and harm reduction trainings, including scheduling, co-facilitation, and evaluation • Developed a volunteer track- ing system, drafted volunteer agreements/guidelines, and facilitated an orientation for newly-interested volunteers • Staffed 5 demonstration Overdose Prevention Sites with the BRIDGES Coalition, offering safer use supplies and conversation about over- dose prevention in Baltimore • Compiled strategies and conducted interviews for the development of a sup- port group facilitation guide rooted in harm reduction principles 10 I cannot say enough about how blessed I am to have worked with Baltimore Harm Reduction Co- alition for the past two summers. Since I had an incredible initial experience with BHRC, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to continue there this summer. To no surprise, these past eight weeks have been even more incredible than the last, and I grew more amazed and excited every single day. My time with BHRC has given me a community of like-minded people who share my values, countless connections to people and organizations around the city, and hope for a bright- er, more just future for Baltimore. I have also found a stronger sense of direction and purpose for my own plans post-graduation. Throughout this summer, I worked on a variety of projects, mainly focusing on training logistics, volunteer coordination, and building organizational infrastructure for both of those support areas. Opioid overdose response and harm reduction trainings are how we reach hundreds of people every month and distribute a majority of our naloxone. Though I largely supported scheduling and evaluation processes, I enjoyed co-facilitating a few trainings and learning from the different audiences. I worked closely with our lovely volunteer trainers to support our naloxone trainings, coordinated a volunteer kit-making day, and planned an orientation for newly-interested volun- teers to engage with BHRC. Creating systems for future organization of these tasks was a fun chal- lenge, since I was constantly trying to balance creativity, usefulness, and sustainability. My days varied widely at BHRC, and I loved being involved in such a wide range of work, from event plan- ning to interviewing and pop-up staffing. Staffing the mock Overdose Prevention Sites and hand- ing out safer use supplies was a highlight: I truly loved talking with so many community members about their lives, personal stories, and their thoughts on overdose prevention in Baltimore. If there were a word that was a combination of happy, humbled, thoughtful, engaged, curious, ex- cited, and loved, that would be exactly how I feel right now. More than ever, I am grateful for the wonderful people who surround me. Thank you to all the BHRC staff--Harriet, Rajani, Tricia, Owen, Sam, Ricky, and Sefa. You all have shaped the person I am and the person I hope to become.