2019 Champions Edition 2019 Champions Edition | Page 267

www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2019 CHAMPIONS EDITION - 39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDOQApRmk5Q&t=2s ( DHS S&T’s National Urban Security Technology Laboratory collaborated with first responders, DOE, and FEMA to publish the “Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Guidance: Planning for the First 100 Minutes.” This document is designed to encourage comprehensive radiological pre- paredness and assist first responders and local jurisdictions to both operationalize and implement best practices for RDD detonation response. Courtesy of DHS S&T Posted on Apr 1, 2019.) lies and businesses in the impacted first minutes of an radiological dis- persal device. community. Responder RAD Preparedness – DHS Science and Technology Direc- torate, National Urban Security Technology Laboratory, in partner- ship with the FEMA & the Depart- ment of Energy, & National Nucle- ar Security Administration (NNSA) provides guidance and exercises for first responders and emergency managers on how to plan for the The RDD Response Guidance Plan- ning is the result of years of scien- tific research and experimentation conducted by Brookhaven Nation- al Laboratory (BNL) and Sandia Na- tional Laboratories – coupled with S&T NUSTL’s conversations with first responders about operationalizing and documenting the scientific rec- ommendations. 263