2019 Champions Edition 2019 Champions Edition | Page 194

2019 CHAMPIONS EDITION - 39 2019 ‘ASTORS’ HOMELAND SECURITY AWARDS www.AmericanSecurityToday.com ecosystem of cross-industry organi- zations from outsourcers to vendors to regulators to technology providers. Shared Assessments is an epicenter of risk management, benefiting from the diverse perspectives of many of the world’s most innovative practi- tioners in Third-Party Risk Manage- ment (TPRM). The Santa Fe Group • Best Cyber Security Risk Mgmt • Shared Assessments Program Some of Shared Assessments’ most helpful state-of-the-art TPRM tools and best practices are readily avail- able free of charge. Shared Assessments from the Santa Shared Assessments’ thought lead- Fe Group, has built a membership ers and members develop best prac- tices-based resources, including tools that are mem- ber-driv- en, indus- try-standard, and are con- sistent, ro- bust and cost-effec- tive. 190