2019 Champions Edition 2019 Champions Edition | Page 9
now have the SOS Silent
and are saving more lives and
property than before.”
As the Platinum winner for the
2019 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Se-
curity Award “Best Fire & Safe-
ty System,” three years running
– the SOS Silent fills an urgent
need today.
Don't lock out the calvary! Gates installed to pro-
tect, shouldn't delay responders any longer.
It is horrible that people have died With over 30,000 sensors sold
because responders could not get since bringing this break-through
technology to the gate industry, “It
through a gate.
is very satisfying to know that we
The original SOS sensor started are saving lives and property ev-
opening gates in 1984 for emer- ery day,“ says SOS president, McK-
gency vehicles, using the sound of ay Lundgren.
the “YELP” siren as the trigger to
“We set the standard for emergen-
open the gate.
cy access and now,
with the SOS Silent,
we have reduced re-
sponse times even
You can get more in-
formation on the SOS
Silent at www.sos-