2019 Champions Edition 2019 Champions Edition | Page 17

www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2019 CHAMPIONS EDITION - 39 Mike Madsen, AST Publisher (at left); Commissioner William J. Bratton, Guest Keynote Speaker; Tammy Waitt, Managing Director; and Dr. Kathleen Kiernan, CEO of Kiernan Group Holdings at the 2019 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Luncheon. value, benefit and intelligence to end users in a variety of gov- ernment, homeland security, enterprise, and public safety vertical markets in the acknowl- edgment of their outstanding efforts to Keep our Nation Se- cure. “‘ASTORS’ nominations are eval- uated on their technical innova- tion, interoperability, specific impact within the category, overall impact to the industry, relatabili- ty to other industry technologies, and application feasibility out- side of the industry,” according to Tammy Waitt, co-founder and man- aging director of American Security Today. Announcing the 2019 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Winners - The Best of 2019 - and Congratulations on your out- standing achievements! 13