2019 Campaign Corner Issue XVIII – 2019 | Page 3


Running for NJCL Office

A Letter from your NJCL Parliamentarian

JCL has meant so many things to me over the years, and I know that it means something different to every person who becomes a part of the JCL family. I ask you to think about the impact that JCL has had on you personally and whether you would like to give back to this organization through national leadership.

If you are qualified to run for office, (see the NJCL Constitution on the NJCL website for more detail) then I strongly recommend considering to run for national office. It is one of the most rewarding experiences. You will be amazed at the support and kindness of your delegation and JCLers alike. Regardless of what happens in the end, it is a learning experience that will help you grow as a person. It is a learning experience surrounded by the very meaning of JCL love.

If you see yourself serving as a national officer, find yourself overjoyed with everything that JCL has to offer, or passionate about the role that a position plays within JCL, I suggest you file today.

The national officers and I are always an email away to ask any questions that you may have. I will be there for you every step of the way. My email address is [email protected].

N.B. Contacting current NJCL officers with questions is not a form of precampaigning.

Layla Fistos

2018 - 2019


National Junior Classical League