2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 40
Educational Displays Score
Basis of Scoring:
How well the display informs the viewer on information pertaining to current agriculture issues and/or animals
exhibited…..............................................................70 Points
Neat and easy to Read ............................................20 Points
Club/individual name and year on front.................10 Points
Blue, Red and White card will be awarded once to each club/ chapter or individual during Fair week. In each class, the exhibit shall be one article or pair of articles made of wood by the 4-H member. Completed “Woodworking
Explanation Card” 871-02 is required to qualify the exhibit for judging. Judging criteria are outlined on 4-H Woodworking
Exhibit Score Card (40-635), available at the county Extension office or on the State 4-H website at: http://oregon.4h.
oregon- state.edu/fair-exhibit-and-contest-materials
871 100 001
Woodworking, Junior
871 100 002
Woodworking, Intermediate
871 100 003
Woodworking, Senior
Open to all 4-H members regardless of project enrollment. The exhibit may be a poster or a three-dimensional display.
Individual three - dimensional exhibits are limited in size to 48” wide (measured when lying flat), 24” deep (front to back),
and 36” high. Club exhibits are limited in size to 60” wide, 24” deep and 36” high. Posters are limited in size to 30” by 24”.
Exhibits may include pictures, models, diagrams and actual articles if they meet the safety standards listed below. Drawings
or photos, which are an essential part of the display, should be firmly attached to the board. Loose materials like soil, bark or
sand must be displayed in closed containers. No books or notebooks will be accepted as part of the display. The following
materials will not be allowed on the display for safety reasons:
Living organisms- plants or animals
Any liquids
Aerosol bottles or other pressurized gases
• Glass
Hazardous substances
Sharp items
Display (all parts) should be able to last the duration of the fair in good repair. An Educational Display Exhibit Card (000-01)
must be attached to each exhibit. Judging criteria are outlined on the 4-H Science Investigation Display Evaluation Sheet
(840-100). Both are available from the county Extension Office or the state 4-H website at http://oregon.4h.oregonstate.
edu/ fair exhibit-and-contest-materials
Club exhibits are to be entered under the club name but must include the names of all members and leaders. This may be on a
separate paper securely attached to the back of the exhibit. Club exhibit will receive one ribbon per exhibit.
Each piece of an exhibit must have name, county and class numbers securely attached to it. All parts of the display
should be attached to one another in some way to keep the exhibit together as a unit. Single posters may be displayed by
hanging or stapling to the wall. All other displays should be free standing. All information contained in the exhibit must be
able to be viewed by the public by looking at the display.
840 100 001
Junior Science Investigation Display
840 100 002
Intermediate Science Investigation Display
840 100 003
Senior Science Investigation Display
840 100 004
Club Science Investigation Display
Description: The purpose of this type of exhibit is for members to communicate the processes and outcomes of a scientific
investigation they design and conduct themselves. The display must include (1) a question or hypothesis, (2) an investigative
procedure (What was done?), (2) the data collection or observation method (How was it collected/ observed), (3) a report of
the data collected or observations made, (4) an analysis of the data collected or observations made (How do you interpret the
data and evidence?), (5) a conclusion addressing the original question or hypothesis (Does the evidence support or refute your
claim?). Intermediate and Senior Exhibits must include a data chart and a graph or other visual representation of the data.
Exhibits will be any of the articles included in the project manuals that show skills learned in the project. Items must be
labeled with member’s name, county, and class number. To qualify for judging, an Electric Energy Explanation Card must
be attached. Forms are available at the county Extension offices and at the State 4-H website: http://oregon.4h.oregonstate.
edu/fair-exhibit-and-contest materials. Intermediates and seniors must include a schematic diagram. The exhibit may be
a poster or a three-dimensional display. Individual exhibits are limited in size to 30” wide, 24” deep (front to back), and 36”
high. Club exhibits are limited in size to 60” wide, 24” deep and 36” high. Classes will be divided into the following groups:
862 100 001
Electricity, Junior
862 100 002
Electricity, Intermediate
2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book
862 100 003
Electricity, Senior
In each class the exhibit shall be an educational exhibit, which will show or illustrate what the member has learned.
Include an explanation telling: (a) how the exhibit was made or what was done in the project; (b) operating instructions (if
appropriate); and (c) what the member learned by the doing the project. Explanations are required to qualify the exhibit for judging.
881 100 001
881 100 002
881 100 003
In some cases, the exhibit may be a poster or a three-dimension- al display. Individual exhibits are limited in size to 30”
wide, 24” deep (front to back), and 36” high. Club exhibits are limited in size to 60” wide, 24” deep and 36” high.
Posters must not exceed 22”x 28”.
Each exhibit piece must be labeled with the member’s name, county and class number. If more than one article is contained in
the exhibit each article must be labeled with the member’s name, county and class number. This may be done with masking
tape, attaching an index card, or writing directly on the back with a marker. All the articles that comprise the exhibit must
be attached to each other. The one exception to this is the Rocketry Engineering Journal, which must be included with the
Rocket display but is not required to be attached. Each exhibit must include the current year’s edition of the appropriate
Project Description for the exhibit form filled out neatly and securely attached to the exhibit. 4-H Project Description sheets
are posted at http://oregon.4h.oregonstate. Edu/fair-exhibit-and-contest-materials. Be sure to use the newest version
of the Project Descriptions for each technology exhibit. Exhibitors should answer the description page carefully and in full
sentences. This is the exhibitor’s opportunity to tell the judge about their project. Judging Evaluations can be found at: http://
oregon.4h.oregon- state.edu/fair-exhibit-and-contest-materials. These provide valuable information to youth on creating
their project displays.
Stage 2, Lift-off (Stage 1 is for Grades 1-3)
851 100 010
Description: An exhibit of two parts: (1) a rocket made by the member from the Aerospace Adventures State 2 project kit,
and (2) a Rocketry Engineering Journal. Rockets displayed in this class may only be made from the Estes Gnome™, Wizard
™, or Mosquito™ rocket kits. Rockets included in a static display MUST be shown without engines or igniters. All the parts
of the rocket and their function should be identified. Rocket components, which must be included and labeled are body tube,
nose cone, engine hook, fins, recovery system (streamer or tumble method), launch lug, engine mount, and shock cord. On
the display, list any items required to launch the rocket and their function such as the launch system, igniters and recovery
wadding. List the appropriate engine size(s) for your rocket and your level of experience. The exhibit will be judged on
neatness of labels and workmanship.
A Rocketry Engineering Journal is required. Include the date of each meeting, names of the persons present and
a record of what was done. Include photos or illustrations. The information will be used to fill out the Aerospace-
Rocketry Project Description sheet for fair. It is important that the member downloads the Aerospace-Rocketry
Project Description sheet from 4-H Project Description sheets posted at http://oregon.4h.oregonstate.edu/node/1858 to
know what is required in the Build Report and the Launch and Flight Reports in the Journal.
851 100 020
Educational Poster – Aerospace
An educational poster on any aerospace or aeronautics topic youth learned about in Aerospace Adventures, stage 2, except
rockets. Display should demonstrate knowledge gained in one of these topics: space, kites, hot air balloons, weather or
2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book