2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 36
* The member will be judged on correct riding form and technique. Posture, balance, light hands and effective use of aids are
all very important. Equal importance will be given to the methods used by the rider to obtain the desired results.
* Patterns used in the class are at the judge’s discretion. Refer to 4-H Horse Project Materials for additional information.
* Exhibitors are reminded to keep 2 horse lengths between them and the horse in front and adequate space while in line.
751 100 13(_) WESTERN EQUITATION Western tack and other are required. No chaps allowed.
751 100 11(_) ENGLISH EQUITATION English saddles and tack are required as is English attire. No jumping will be required.
751 700 00(_) BAREBACK EQUITATION (County Only) Follow Western Equitation guidelines. Bridle is only riding
gear allowed. No bareback pads. No chaps. Judging to be on the rail except in case of a tie. Exhibitors will
not be asked to mount.
* Equipment and attire requirements will be the same as for Equitation contest.
* Horses will be asked to work both ways of the arena at all three gaits to demonstrate their ability with different leads.
Riders should keep plenty of space between horses and should stay on the rail, not cutting corners. Horses may be asked to
extend gaits, stop and stand quietly and to back easily. Horses will not be asked to reverse at the lope or canter.
* Horses should appear to be a “pleasure to ride” and respond readily and willingly to what is asked. A horse will be
penalized for incorrect leads, tail switching, head tossing, opening mouth, excessive speed or slowness at any gait, over
flexing or having nose too far out. Should demonstrate easy, comfortable gaits with smooth transitions. Performance 80%,
appointments 20% (neatness and grooming; overall picture.)
751 700 08(_) WESTERN PLEASURE
Horses to be shown in Western equipment at a walk, jog and lope on a reasonably loose rein or light contact without un- due
restraint. The judge may request extended gaits. Wrong leads will be penalized and horses considered for an award must
back in a straight line. Faults include: breaking gait, open mouth, stumbling or falling, tail switching, sullen or lethargic
751 700 07(_) ENGLISH PLEASURE
Horses to be shown under saddle, not to jump. English equipment with snaffle, Pelham or double bridle, required. Horses
should be alert and move obediently and be able to lengthen their stride when asked. Free movement and manners will be
emphasized in scoring. Horses to be shown at a walk, trot, and canter both ways to the ring. Horses should back easily and
stand quietly. At the discretion of the judge, horses may be asked to hand gallop and then to halt on a loose rein.
751 200 20(_) Weanlings (County Only)
751 200 21(_) Yearlings
751 200 22(_) Two Year Olds
*Contestants may show horses providing they have not been broken to ride. Holders are permitted if they are also 4-H/FFA
members. Contestant must provide the judge with a score sheet stating the age of horse, the age of the contestant, the amount
of time spent in training, and a list of exercises to be attempted.
*Score sheet must be SIGNED BY MEMBER AND LEADER.
*All training must have been done by the member.
*Contestant allowed approximately 15 minutes. Exercise: picking up and handling feet, sacking, leading, lounging, haltering,
turn on the forehand, turn on the haunch. Side step, backing, head handling, driving, bridling, saddling, hobbling, and posing
as for show.
751 700 06(_) KINDERGARTEN HORSE (County Only)
*To compete in this class, an exhibitor must have registered and competed in the ground training class with the same horse,
have registered and competed in a ground training class previously. The horse must be three (3) years old, or younger. The
horse must have been trained, ridden and shown by member only. A trainer or leader may assist or teach a member, but may
only ride the horse for brief disciplinary action. Horse may be used in any event except Ground Training.
*Contestants will work together on the rail at all 3 gaits and back up as judge requests.
751 700 31(_) IN-HAND TRAIL
* Cross entry with ground training only. Class objective is to successfully navigate a trail course with the horse In Hand,
which will have a limited number of simple obstacles geared to young horses. This class will be judged on the performance
of the horse over the obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the handler and attitude.
2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book
* Credit will be given to those horses negotiating the obstacles with style, and some degree of speed, providing carefulness in
not sacrificed. Credit will be given to horses showing capability of picking their own way through course when obstacles
warrant it, and willingly responding to handler’s cues on more difficult obstacles. Handler may touch the horse with hands for
cues. Horse will be required to walk and trot beside the handler as part of the course.
751 300 31(_) TRAIL
*This class will consist of a series of obstacles chosen from the 4-H contest guide. The pattern will be selected by at least
3 leaders, keeping in mind safety at all times. Time to complete trail course is 4 minutes or less. Trail must take place in an
enclosed area.
* If an exhibitor is asked to handle a horse foot, it must be done safely and properly. The horse may not be tied to a structure
while the member is picking up or handling feet.
* Obstacles to be attempted by Intermediate and Senior members may be more advanced than for Novice and Junior members.
* Each contestant will be allowed a total of 2 refusals or unnecessary delays on each obstacle. Failure to complete the
obstacle will not disqualify an exhibitor, but will be scored accordingly. Riders’ times may be used to break a tie in points.
Exhibitors may ride 1 different test. Any horse/rider combination that receives a score of 62 or above must move up one test
on the show premium list the following year.
Training Level:
751 700 50( ) Training Level, Test 1
751 700 51( ) Training Level, Test 2
751 700 52( ) Training Level, Test 3
First Level:
751 700 54( ) First Level, Test 1
751 700 55( ) First Level, Test 2
751 700 56( ) First Level, Test 3
Non Premium Class (County Only) (Horse/Rider: Judge will determine to advance to the Hunter Hack Class).
This Class will consist of four to six fences, not to exceed 2’3”. One consistent gait preferred at the trot or at the canter. The
pattern will be posted. All tack and equipment rules apply here as they do in the Hunt Seat Equitation over Fences Class.
751 700 04(_) HUNTER HACK
Non Premium Class (County Only) (Horse/Rider: Prequalification required, Judge will determine to advance to Hunt seat
Equitation class.) Horses to be exhibited in appropriate tack and exhibitors in required appropriate attire. Refer to “Hunt
Seat Equitation”. Horses to be shown at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the arena. Horses are required to jump two
fences 2’6” or less and gallop one-way of the arena. Stop and back. Stand on loose rein. Wait to be excused and return to
line. Horses are judged on suit- ability as a hunter, way of going, conformation and soundness. All age levels will compete
together. Riders will receive a Blue, Red or White ribbon.
(Must receive a pre-qualification from judge in Hunter Hack at this show) A horse should be at least 5 years old before going
over jumps. An English jumping type saddle is required. Stirrup bars must be open. A snaffle bit is preferred, but a Pelham is
permitted. Twisted wire snaffles are not allowed. Use of spurs, breastplate or breast collar, and an English bat or crop up to
24 inches long is optional. Martingales are not permitted. Dropped-noseband cavessons may be used and must be below the
bit and properly adjusted. Bell boots, splints, and bandages are allowed. All age levels will compete together for one Grand
Champion and one Reserve Grand Champion
751 400 41(_)
751 400 43(_)
751 800 01(_)
751 800 02(_)
751 800 03(_)
751 800 04(_)
751 800 05(_)
Pleasure Driving
Figure 8
Key Race
Pole Bending
NSCA Flag Race
2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 37