2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 34

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. but rather may provide advice, assistance, etc. State Fair delegates will be chosen by combining Showmanship and Western or English Equitation scores, which must be a minimum of 170 points, with a score of 80 points or above in each class. Contestants must use the same horse in all events for Ground Training, driving classes, and Gaming. In addition, in every event, contestants must use the same horse they qualified with at their county fair. Intermediate and Senior members are eligible to attend State Fair. Pleasure classes do not receive score sheets because they are not state qualifying classes. Certified helmets must be worn at all times when riding a horse on the fairgrounds. If using a snaffle bit, check contest guide. Your horse’s manure must be removed off the grounds each day and you must check out with an official 4-H Leader before leaving at the end of the day or your premium money will be withheld. Each horse is a separate project. Which requires a separate current record. CONDUCT DURING 4-H/FFA HORSE SHOW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Good sportsmanship is a must from everyone present at the show at all times. Show management may disqualify any contestant and horse for non-sportsmanlike conduct or inhumane treatment of horse by any contestant, owner, or parent. The judge’s decision is final. A protest, criticism, or suggestion will be accepted only in writing with a signature. No exception. Any complaint about judge’s decisions not handled in this manner or directed at other contestants, by contestants, owners, or anyone associated with either, will be grounds for disqualification of the participant. No one may approach the judge inside the ring or out, during the show. Anyone wishing to speak with a judge, during the show, must make arrangements with the horse superintendent first. If inappropriate behavior, either verbal or physical, is directed toward a judge outside of the show, and is reported by the judge to the Extension Agent and/ or horse superintendent, this will be grounds for disqualification of the participant related to that person. ABSOLUTELY NO GALLOPING OUTSIDE THE ARENA. Not only is it potentially very dangerous to those on foot and with the traffic, it is also very cruel to the horses that are working hard in the extreme heat. Those disregarding this rule will be reprimanded severely. Members should dismount at all times possible between classes, provide plenty of water and shade for their horses, loosen cinches, etc., in order to make the horse as comfortable as they can be. Members are not allowed to camp overnight without adult supervision. Those leaving horses overnight need to provide proper care and supervision also. Permission should be obtained from the Extension Agent and the Horse Chairman notified. NO RIDING DOUBLE AND NO RIDING WITH HALTERS. BOOTS MUST BE WORN WHEN HANDLING OR RIDING HORSES. Horses must be kept away from food concessions. Coaching from the rail and/or entering the ring may result in: 1) that person required to leave the grounds, 2) the rider being disqualified from the class at the judge’s discretion. TACK, ATTIRE, GROOMING REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Horses that will be ridden in the show must be shod or trimmed. It is recommended that this be done 7-10 days prior to the competition so as not to cause lameness. Horses that will only be shown in Ground Training or Showmanship should have their feet trimmed. Exhibitors are to wear boots and long sleeved shirts. Belts are required if there are pant loops. Long hair must be restrained with nets, braids, etc., to allow a clear view of the competitor’s number, which must be placed squarely on their back before entering the arena. It is suggested that the number be pinned on the top and bottom so the wind does not flip it upside down. Members should know what their number is. Clothing should be clean and neat (freshly pressed) and should be appropriate for the class being entered. Pants should be long enough to reach the heel of the boot when mounted in western classes. Gloves and ties are optional. Helmets required for all riding classes. Chaps are not allowed except in trail and western pleasure. Spurs are allowed but must be used properly. All tack must be clean, safe, in good repair, adjusted properly and meet all requirements and specifications in the 4-H Projects Materials. Silver will not count toward a higher score than a plain working outfit. Western saddles must have stirrup keepers and meet all requirements and specifications in the current 4-H Contest Guide and 4-H Horse Project materials. Protective boots are allowed to be worn in designated classes: games, jumping, reining, ground training, kindergarten, and working ranch horse. In showmanship, horses must be shown in a halter or a show bridle. Riding bridles are not allowed. Horses must be clean and well groomed for all events. Fetlocks, bridle paths, whiskers and jowl hairs should 34 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book be trimmed. Mane and tail length is optional, but must be well cared for. Fly spray should be applied regularly. No hoof dressing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All exhibitors must enter and show in Showmanship. Conformation of the horse is not judged in this class. Dogs are not allowed on the grounds, except guide dogs. They must be supervised. Stallions over the age of 1 may NOT be exhibited or present on the grounds. No wet mares. (Mares with nursing foals.) The Danish system of judging will be used except in those classes designated otherwise. Mules and donkeys may be used as Horse Projects. Members earning awards are required to write and mail thank-you’d to the donor within 10 days of the show. No exceptions. Without our generous donors, we wouldn’t be able to have our trophies and awards. Members needing gate holds between classes must request them in advance. They will be no longer than 10 minutes. Only the 4-H/FFA member is allowed to ride or care for their horse except in cases when disciplinary action is needed that might risk a member’s safety. Any 4-H/FFA member who is not covered by 4-H/FFA insurance may not ride or handle the horse during the fair. MISCELLANEOUS AWARDS * All contestants will receive a Blue, Red, or White ribbon for each class unless designated otherwise. Premiums will be paid after records are received and judged. Some classes may not be awarded premiums if there is a shortage of funds. *Champions and Reserve Champions will be selected from the blue ribbons in each class. Highest score Champion, second highest Reserve Champion. *A special award will be given to the Champion of each class. High Point Horse Exhibitors These awards are given to one individual in each of the following age divisions Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. Contestants are required to compete in the following classes: Showmanship, Western Pleasure, English Pleasure, Western Equitation, English Equitation, and Trail. The scores from each class will be accumulated to determine the high point in each age division. High Point Gaming To participate in gaming exhibitors have to show in a showmanship class. High point gaming awards will be given to one individual in each of the following age divisions: Novice, Junior, Intermediate, Senior. Dressage Champion It is the Judge’s discretion to choose the High Point Individual from the highest scores of each riding test. This competitor will be awarded a perpetually rotating trophy and also an individual plaque to keep. Sportsmanship Award This award will be given to the contestant demonstrating outstanding qualities throughout the year Including; an eagerness to learn and share knowledge and experience with others within the Horse program, courtesy, respect, and pleasant attitude with others, good attendance within 4-H group. A good working relationship with peers, leaders and their horse. This individual will maintain a positive attitude no matter the outcome of a competitive situation. CLASSES The age classification for all contestants is as follows: 0 - Novice First year members, 9-11 years of age on September 1, 2018; all first year 4-H 1 - Junior 9-11 years of age on Sept. 1, 2018 (4-H) 2 - Intermediate 12-14 years of age on Sept. 1, 2018 (4-H/FFA) 3 - Senior 15-19 years of age on Sept. 1, 2018(4-H/FFA) SHOWMANSHIP 751 500 00(_) SHOWMANSHIP * Showmanship is a demonstration of the member’s ability to fit and show the animal to its best advantage at halter. Conformation is not judged but the animal must be service-ably sound. The class is required for all show participants. Class requirements and procedures are listed in the 4-H Horse Project materials. * The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Horse Showman will compete in the Round Robin contest with the members showing each other’s horse, sheep, hog, goat, beef and dairy projects. Round Robin contestant must provide the horse in which they won in showmanship. 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 35