2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 32

RABBITS Superintendent: Tami Foltz RABBIT DIVISION POLICIES 1. 4-H/FFA members must be present to show their rabbits. Members will carry their rabbits to the judging table and show them while they are being judged. 2. Any rabbit having a permanent defect will be placed in the white ribbon group. Any rabbit that has a correctable problem shall, at the judges’ discretion, be placed in the Red or White ribbon group. 3. Any rabbit that does not fit in a breed standard should be placed in the crossbred. The crossbred class will be judged on meat type and fur. 4. Rabbits must be checked for ear mites before entering the fairgrounds. Any rabbit with ear mites will be removed from the grounds immediately. 5. Rabbits MUST have water in their pens at all times and watering devise must be secured. 6. Any market rabbit that does not meet weight requirements will not be judged. They may enter other classes provided they meet those requirements. Heavyweights 04 – Beveren 05 – Californian 12 - Flemish Giant 14 - English Lop 15 - French Lop 16 - New Zealand 20 – Crossbred 50 - Other Heavyweight breeds Note: Fill in the blank in class number ( ) with corresponding numbers. HEAVYWEIGHTS 761 1(_) 010 Pre-Junior Doe, Under 2 mos. of age. 761 1(_) 020 Junior Doe, 2 months to under 6 months. 761 1(_) 030 Intermediate Doe, 6 - 8 months 761 1(_) 040 Senior Doe, over 8 months 761 1(_) 050 Pre-Junior Buck, Under 2 mos. of age. 761 1(_) 060 Junior Buck, 2 months to under 6 month 761 1(_) 070 Intermediate Buck, 6 - 8 months 761 1(_) 080 Senior Buck, over 8 months Lightweights 28 – Dutch 31 - Florida White 35 - Jersey Wooley 37 - Lop (Holland) 38 - Lop (Mini) 39 - Mini Rex 41 - Netherland Dwarf 43 – Rex 48 – Thrianta 49 - Other Lightweight Breeds & Crossbreds Note: Fill in the blank in class number ( ) with corresponding numbers. LIGHTWEIGHTS 761 1(_) 100 761 1(_) 110 761 1(_) 120 761 1(_) 130 761 200 000 MARKET 761 300 020 32 Junior Doe, 2 months to under 6 months Senior Doe, over 6 months Junior Buck, 2 months to under 6 months Senior Buck, over 6 months Doe with Production Records. Doe must have kindled this year. and uniformity. SHOWMANSHIP 761 500 001 761 500 002 761 500 003 Junior Intermediate Senior GUINEA PIGS (CAVIES) Note: Fill in blank in class number ( ) with one of the following numbers: 1. Junior Sow, born after May 1, currant year 2. Junior Boar, born after May 1, current year 3. Intermediate Sow, born March 1 to April 30, current year 4. Intermediate Boar, born March 1 to April 30, current year 5. Senior Sow, born before March 1, current year 6. Senior Boar, born before March 1, current year 762 101 0(_) 0 Abyssinian 762 103 0(_) 0 American 762 110 0(_) 0 Teddy 762 113 0(_) 0 White Crested 762 114 0(_) 0 Crossbred SHOWMANSHIP 762 500 001 Junior 762 500 002 Intermediate 762 500 003 Senior SMALL ANIMAL ROUND ROBIN Champion and Reserve Champion Poultry, Rabbit, Pigeon and Guinea Pig Showman will compete. See 4-H/FFA Animal Science Policy No. 20. 4-H/FFA HORSE Superintendent: Ethely Kauth Please see schedule in front section for complete class listings. HORSE SHOW POLICIES AND GUIDELINES General Rules: 1. Record Books are due and must be placed in the Extension Office no later than 5:00pm Monday, July 15. See records book section for criteria. 2. 4-H/FFA members may only show those horses they declared May 1, as being their Baker County 4-H Horse projects. Members may use more than one horse for overall high point. The horses must be declared on May 1. Between May 1 and June 1, hardship cases involving illness, injury and safety must be made known to the Horse Advisory committee in writing. The committee may decide that a different horse than the one originally declared may be shown at the fair, but the member and horse will not be considered for any champion ribbons and will not be considered as a delegate to the State Fair. 3. 4-H/FFA members leasing horses must have turned in a business-like agreement signed by them and the owner of the horse to the Extension Office by May 1. Members are to have done as much work as possible with the animal including: feeding, arranging for vet, farrier work, training, grooming, etc. However, circumstances beyond the member’s control such as a prohibitive distance will be given consideration. During the Horse Show the horse will be the member’s full responsibility. A copy of the lease agreement is to be included with the 4-H/FFA records. 4. 4-H/FFA members are to do as much training and preparation for the Show as possible. A leader or parent may assist in cases when the member’s safety is at risk and with younger and/or inexperienced 4-H’ers. This includes clipping, bathing, tacking, saddling, grooming of feet. This is not to mean that the leader or parent may do it for the member, Market Pen of 3 - Under 90 days old. (4 to 5-1/2 lbs. per rabbit) To be judged on conformation, condition, 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 33