2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 28

SPECIAL CLASSES (Animals must have been shown in the above classes) Note: Fill in blank (_) with the breed number found in parenthesis following the breed. 791 1( ) 210 Mature doe with 4-H Production Records, born before Jan. 1, 2014. Doe to be shown with completed records from last lactation. 791 1( ) 220 Dam and Daughter, Milking Doe and Doe offspring. (1 offspring only) 791 1( ) 230 Dairy Goat Herd. 3 does of any breed, cross-breed or combination thereof. Goats must be owned by the same 4 H/FFA member. 791 1( ) 240 Best Udder of the Show - Any goat may be entered in this special class. The judge is not obligated to award a blue ribbon. MEAT GOATS MEAT BREEDING: 795 100 010 795 100 020 795 100 030 795 100 040 795 100 050 795 100 060 795 100 070 795 100 080 795 100 090 Doe Kid, Apr. 1 - Jun. 30, current year Doe Kid, Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, current year Doe Kid, Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, previous year Yearling Doe, May 1 - Sept. 30, previous year Yearling Doe, Jan. 1- Apr. 30, previous year Mature Doe, 2 yr. old Mature Doe, 3 - 4 yr. old Mature Doe, 5 -6 yr. old Mature Doe, 7 and older SPECIAL CLASSES (Animals must have been shown in the above classes) 795 100 210 795 100 220 795 100 230 795 100 034 MARKET Mature doe with 4-H Production records, Doe to be shown with completed records from last kidding. Dam and this Year’s Doe. Doe and Doe offspring (1 offspring only) Meat Goat Herd, 3 Does of any breed, cross-breed or combination thereof. Goats must be owned by the same 4-H/FFA member. Club Herd, Four Market goats any weight or breed, owned by 4 members from the same 4-H/FFA Chapter (Each club may only enter one club herd.) 795 300 000 Market Goat, (Wethers and Doelings Only) all breeds competing. (Must weigh 60-120 lbs.) *This class is only for market animals not making weight at weigh in. (Do not pre-register). *795 300 010 Feeder Class - (Goats weighing less than 60 lbs., does not sell) SHOWMANSHIP (Dairy & Meat Goats) 791 500 000 791 500 001 791 500 002 791 500 003 Novice Junior Intermediate Senior GOAT RATE OF GAIN CONTEST To compete for rate of gain, the goat must have been weighed and tagged by the spring weigh date. Contestants are eligible for awards - please see the awards section. PYGMY GOATS Purebred and grade animals are shown together. All goats born after January 1, 2003 must be dehorned. Note: Fill in blank in class number ( ) with one of the following numbers. 1. Junior Doe Kid, March 2 to June 1, 2019 2. Junior Doe Kid, December 2, 2018 to March 1, 2019 3. Junior Doe Kid, September 2 to December 1, 2018 4. Junior Doe, (not in milk) September 2, 2016 to September 1, 2018 5. Senior Doe, (in milk) September 2, 2016 to September 1, 2017 (does that have freshened at least once, not necessarily in 28 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book milk at show time) 6. Senior Two Year Old Doe, September 2, 2015 to September 1, 2016 7. Senior Three Year Old Doe, September 2, 2014 to September 1, 2015 8. Four and Five Year Old Doe, September 2, 2012 to September 1, 2014 9. Over Five Years Old Doe, prior to September 2, 2013 793 100 0(_)0 Pygmy Goats 793 100 110 Pygmy Doe in Milk-all ages above yearling SPECIAL CLASSES (Animals must have been shown in the above classes) 793 200 010 Dam and Produce, doe and one daughter, owned by same 4-H/FFA member. 793 200 020 Member’s Pygmy Goat Herd, three female pygmy goats owned by the same 4-H/FFA member. SHOWMANSHIP (Pygmy Goats) 793 500 000 793 500 001 793 500 002 793 500 003 Novice Junior Intermediate Senior 4-H/FFA SMALL ANIMALS POULTRY/CHICKENS Superintendent: Stacey Ingram Testing times for Pullorum/Typhoid in poultry will be announced at the Fair. BREEDING CHICKENS Note: Fill in blank in class number (_) with one of the following numbers. 1 - Pullet, hatched this year. 2 - Cockerel, hatched this year. 3 - Hen, prior to this year’s hatch 4 - Cock, prior to this year’s hatch 731 101 0(_) 0 *APA Standard Bred Large Fowl 731 101 1(_) 0 **Non-standard Bred Large Fowl 731 101 2(_) 0 ***Cross-Bred Large Fowl *Breeds entered in the American Poultry Association (APA) class are based on those birds found exclusively in the APA book titled, Standards of Perfection. ** The non-APA standard bred large fowl class would include birds found in standards other than APA, like the British or Japanese Standards. *** The crossbred large fowl class would include known back- yard crosses, sex links and birds associated with the Oregon State University Animal Sciences Dept. / Oregon Fryer Com- mission Pen of Fryers Contest. 731 102 0(_) 0 APA and ABA Standard Bred – Bantam 731 102 1(_) 0 Non-Standard Bred – Bantam 731 102 2(_) 0 Cross-Bred Bantam PEN OF LAYING HENS Three hens in production. Hens should not have been shown in individual classes and counts as one entry. To be scored on the following criteria: Visible signs of production 40 points Uniformity 30 points Condition: Vigor 10 points Cleanliness 10 points Feathering 10 points 731 200 010 Pen of Laying Hens; Three hens in production. PEN OF FRYERS/ROASTERS The Pen of Fryers/Roasters is for birds not entered in a market class. These birds should not be entered in individual classes and they 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 29