2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 26

SWINE RATE OF GAIN CONTEST To compete for rate of gain, the hog must have been weighed and tagged by the spring weigh date. Contestants are eligible for awards - please see the awards section. BEEF Superintendent: Clint Finley BREEDING Note: Fill in blank in class number (_) with corresponding number for the breed. 1. Junior Calf (bull or steer), January 1 to June 30, 2019 2. Junior Calf (heifers), January 1 to June 30, 2019 3. Senior Heifer Calf, September 1 to December 31, 2018 4. Summer Yearling Heifer, May 1 to August 31, 2018 5. Junior Yearling Heifer, January 1 to April 30, 2018 6. Senior Yearling Heifer, September 1 to December 31, 2017 7. Junior Cow, July 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016 8. Senior Cow, born before July 1, 2016 (must have calved within the preceding 12 months) 721 101 0_0 Angus, Red (01) 721 102 0_0 Angus, Black (02) 721 104 0_0 Hereford (04) 721 107 0_0 Shorthorn (07) 721 103 0_0 Charolais (03) 721 105 0_0 Limousin (05) 721 106 0_0 Pinzgauer (06) 721 108 0_0 Simmental (08) 721 109 0_0 Crossbred (09) 721 110 0_0 Other Breeds (10) (specify) SPECIAL CLASSES (Animals must have been shown in the above classes) Note: Fill in blank (_) with the breed number found in parenthesis following the breed. 721 1( ) 210 Producing Cow with 4-H/FFA Production Records, born before September 1, 2016. 721 1( ) 220 Dam and Produce, cow and one offspring owned by same exhibitor. 721 1( ) 230 Young Breeders Herd, three breeding animals owned by the same exhibitor. BEEF SHOWMANSHIP Contestants must show their own animals which have been entered in classes at this fair (all breeds competing) or see Animal Science Policy No. 16. 721 500 000 Novice 721 500 001 Junior 721 500 002 Intermediate 721 500 003 Senior MARKET 721 300 000 Market Steer, born after Jan. 1, previous year. Steers will be divided into market class according to weight (light to heavy weight). 721 300 034 Club Herd (all breeds competing.) Four market steers, any weight or breed, owned by four or more members from the same 4-H Club ore FFA Chapter. Each club may enter only one club herd. *This class is only for market animals not making weight at weigh in. (Do not preregister). *721 300 010 Feeder Market Steer (steers weighing less than 1,050 pounds) MARKET STEER CARCASS CONTEST RATE OF GAIN CONTEST: See Awards Section DAIRY CATTLE BREEDING: Note: Fill in blank in class number (_) with corresponding number for the breed. 1. Junior Heifer Calf, born March 1 to May 30, 2019 2. Intermediate Heifer Calf, born December 1, 2018 to February 29, 2019 3. Senior Heifer Calf, born September 1 to November 30, 2018 26 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 4. Junior Yearling Heifer, born March 1 to August 31, 2018 5. Senior Yearling Heifer, born September 1, 2017, to February 29, 2018 6. Junior Two Year Old Cow and Senior Yearling in Milk, born March 1 to August 31, 2017 7. Senior Two Year Old Cow, born September 1, 2016 to February 29, 2017 8. Three and Four Year Old Cows, born September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2016 9. Five Year Old Cow and Over, born before September 1, 2014 741 101 0_0 Ayrshire (1) 741 102 0_0 Brown Swiss (2) 741 103 0_0 Guernsey (3) 741 104 0_0 Holstein (4) 741 105 0_0 Jersey (5) 741 106 0_0 Milking Shorthorn (6) 741 107 0_0 Crossbred (7) 741 108 0_0 Other Pure Breeds (8) SPECIAL CLASSES (Animals must have been shown in the above classes) Note: Fill in blank (_) with the breed number found in parenthesis following the breed. 741 10(_) 210 Producing cow with production records, born before July 1, 2016. Computer generated dairy records will be accepted in addition to 4-H/FFA records. 741 10(_) 220 Dam and Daughter, owned by same exhibitor 741 10(_) 230 Breeding Herd - (Three dairy animals owned by same exhibitor) DAIRY CATTLE SHOWMANSHIP 741 500 000 741 500 001 741 500 002 741 500 003 Novice Junior Intermediate Senior GOATS Superintendents: Christine Hawes All milking goats will be milked between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. the night before Conformation classes. (Best udder of show also). The milking will be monitored and checked. The judge is not obligated to award blue ribbons. **At the discretion of the Superintendents they can combine breeding classes together, the animal will be judged on the individual class it was entered in.  DAIRY GOATS DAIRY BREEDING: Note: Fill in blank in class number (_) with corresponding number for the breed. 1. Junior Doe Kid, April 1 to June 30, 2019 2. Intermediate Doe Kid, March 1 to March 31, 2019 3. Senior Doe Kid, January 1 to February 29, 2019 4. Dry Yearling Doe, born in 2018 5. Milking Yearling Doe, born in 2018 6. Mature Two Year Old Doe, born in 2017 7. Mature Doe, three years and under five years, born in 2015 or 2016 8. Mature Doe, five years and under seven years, born in 2013 or 2014 9. Aged Doe, seven years and older, born in 2012 or earlier 791 103 0(_)0 Nigerian Dwarf (03) 791 104 0(_)0 Nubian (04) 791 106 0(_)0 Saanen (06) 791 108 0(_)0 Toggenburg (08) 791 109 0(_)0 Other pure breeds (09) 791 110 0(_)0 Crossbreds (10) 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 27