2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 24

RECORD BOOK/SCRAPBOOK 4-H RECORD BOOK CONTEST 000 700 001 Juniors 000 700 002 Intermediates 000 700 003 Seniors 1. Record Books are due and must be placed in the Extension office no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday July 2nd. All show premiums and trophies will be withheld from exhibitors who submit late or no record books. 2. To participate in the 4-H Record Book Contest and be eligible for County Medals, 4-H’ers must submit in the following order: (1) Goal Statement (optional); (2) Current project record, advancements, production records; (3) 4-H Notes; (4) Permanent Record or My 4-H Resume; (5) Last year’s completed project records (can be last year’s feed & growth record); (6) up to 3 pages of articles/pictures of 4-H year (optional). The Danish System will be used to judge record books. *4-H members (only) can review their record book, Monday of fair from 1:00-4:00pm. Record books must stay in the extension office during reviewing. SCRAPBOOK CONTEST FLEECES Each member is limited to one fleece per class. Fleeces must have been shorn in current year and be from ewes owned by the 4 H/FFA members. Each fleece must have a 4-H Wool Tag, available from the Extension Office. Place fleeces in a clear plastic bag with exhibitor name and county clearly written with felt marker on lower half of the bag. The tag should be inserted inside bag, and visible through the bag. Judging criteria are outlined on 4-H Fleece Exhibit Score Card (40-610) available at the Extension office or on the State 4-H website at: http:// oregon.4h.oregonstate.edu/resources/materials. 771 412 000 Suffolk 771 414 000 Crossbred (white face) 771 415 000 Crossbred (black face) SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP All contestants must show their own sheep, which are entered in classes at this Fair (all breeds competing). All fitting including blocking shall have been done by the contestant. It is recommended that all lambs be shorn prior to Fair. 771 500 000 Novice 771 500 001 Junior 771 500 002 Intermediate 771 500 003 Senior Champion and Reserve Champions receive ribbons only (3rd and 4th place shall be identified). 000 700 004 Each 4-H Club and FFA Chapter may enter one scrapbook. The contest should include club/chapter activities of the current year. The following criteria will be used in judging: completeness, and up-to-date; clarify (explanatory captions); neatness and attractiveness, materials secured; creativity; spacing and page arrangement. To compete for rate of gain, the Lamb must have been weighed and tagged by the spring weigh date. Contestants are eligible for awards - please see the awards section. 4-H/FFA LIVESTOCK SWINE Superintendents: Melissa Foltz BREEDING CLASSES BREEDING SHEEP Note: Fill in blank in class number ( ) with one of the following numbers. Spring Ewe Lamb, January 1 to May 31, 2019 Fall Ewe Lamb, September 1 to December 31, 2018 (must have lamb’s teeth) Yearling Ewe, September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018 Producing Ewe, born before August 31, 2017 (must have raised a lamb born after Sept 1 of the previous calendar year) 771 106 0_0 Hampshire (06) 771 113 0_0 Southdown (13) 771 114 0_0 Suffolk (14) 771 115 0_0 Other Breeds (15) 771 116 0_0 Crossbred Meat Breeds (colored fleeces included) (16) 771 117 0_0 Crossbred Wool Breeds with white fleeces (17) 771 118 0_0 Natural Colored Wool Class Wool Breeds Only (18) SHEEP RATE OF GAIN CONTEST Superintendents: Eugene Hawes & LaDonn McElligott Note: Fill in blank in class number (_) with corresponding number for the breed. 1 - March - May Gilt, born in current year 2 - February Gilt, born in current year 3 - January Gilt, born in current year 4 - Fall Gilt, born Aug. 1 - Dec. 31, previous year, and has not farrowed 781 102 0(_) 0 Duroc 781 103 0(_) 0 Hampshire 781 105 0(_) 0 Yorkshire 781 106 0(_) 0 Crossbred 781 107 0(_) 0 Other Breeds MARKET SPECIAL CLASSES (Animals must have been shown in the above classes) Note: Fill in blank (_) with the breed number found in parenthesis following the breed. 771 1(_) 210 Producing ewe with 4-H production records. 771 1(_) 220 Ewe and Produce with one lamb (spring or fall), owned by the same exhibitor. 771 1(_) 230 Breeding Flock – Three female animals from classes above owned by the same exhibitor. 781 300 000 Market Hog (Barrow or gilt - will be shown by weight, not breed, weighing 220 - 310 lbs.) 781 300 034 Club Herd (all breeds competing). Four market hogs, any weight or breed owned by the same 4-H/FFA Club. Each club may enter only one club herd. *This class is only for market animals not making weight at weigh in. (Do not preregister). *781 300 010 Feeder market hog (hog weighing less than 220) *781 300 020 Overweight market hog (hog weighing more than 310) MARKET SWINE SHOWMANSHIP 771 300 000 Market Lambs, born after Dec. 1, of previous year weighing 105-155 lbs. (Shown by weight, not by breed.) 771 300 034 Club Herd (all breeds competing) four market lambs any weight or breed, owned by 4 members from the same 4 club/FFA Chapter (Each club may enter only one club herd.) 771 300 099 Home Grown Market Lamb Must be entered in the above market lamb class. Member must have ownership of the ewe and lamb. Lamb must be born on member’s property. Member must have their family or individual scrapie tag. An impromptu interview will be required prior to fair. *These classes are only for market animals not making weight at weigh-in. (Do not preregister). *771 300 010 Feeder Lambs (Lambs weighing less than 105 lbs.) *771 300 020 Heavyweight Lambs (Lambs weighing more than 155 lbs.) 24 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book Contestants must show their own pigs which are entered in classes at the Fair. (All breeds competing) Female hogs used in the Showmanship Contest must have been born after January 1 of current year. No use of talcum powders, oil or artificial coating will be allowed when fitting or showing animals in swine classes. 781 500 000 Novice 781 500 001 Junior 781 500 002 Intermediate 781 500 003 Senior 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 25