2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 20

4. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS-- a) No animals from herds quarantined for brucellosis or tuberculosis will be permitted entry to the show. b) All animals must be able to pass health inspection before being permitted on the fairgrounds. Medication rules and withdrawal times must be adhered. Tranquilizers, sedative or other behavior altering products not allowed (including natural products). Those exhibitors whose animals are found in violation will forfeit their sale checks. c) If an animal becomes ill during the fair, the animal can be removed at the discretion of the Superintendent. If an emergency health issue arises contact the superintendent for assistance. 5. Livestock insurance is the responsibility of the project owner. 6. If there are 3 or more animals entered in a non-listed class, the class may be held. 7. Exhibitors will notify their leader within 24 hours if their market animal is sick or deceased. A vet inspection may be requested by the 4-H Association Board. Upon approval by the 4-H Association Board, the exhibitor may show and sell another market animal of the same species that has been weighed at the spring weigh in date by another exhibitor. 8. Exhibitor MUST show his/hers own market animal in conformation and showmanship unless officially excused by a consensus from their leader/advisor, the 4-H Extension Agent, and species superintendent due to sickness, accident, death in the family or other similar extenuating circumstances. A letter must be submitted to the 4-H Extension Agent explaining the situation. If the reason is approved, they will be notified and only another currently enrolled 4-H or FFA member may show the animal. Exhibitors selling animals MUST take his/hers own animal through the auction sale ring unless officially excused. To be officially excused requires the authorization of a sale committee member, their club leader/advisor, superintendent of the species, and the 4-H Extension Agent. 9. If a 4-H/FFA Member loses their animal (due to death or sickness) after June 25th and prior to the showmanship contest, they may enter a showmanship contest with another member’s animal with approval of the 4-H Extension Agent providing the lost animal was carried as a project for at least 60 days. 10. The 4-H Educator Sale Committee reserves the right to have any animal removed from the Fairgrounds for one of the following reasons: a) Unruly animal or animals that present a general safety hazard. b) Animal does not meet the project and ownership requirements. c) Unhealthy animals. 11. Exhibitors of market animals are responsible for their animals until delivery is made to buyers. Halters must be left with market steers until delivery is made. Attach your name and club name to halter. They will be removed at this time and may be reclaimed. 12. All members must do their own project work at the fair including feeding, cleaning, fitting, and grooming. Any person other than a Baker County 4-H/FFA member doing work for exhibitors will automatically disqualify that member -- all 4-H/FFA premiums and/or awards will be forfeited. 13. At the time of weigh-in all market animals, except pigs, must turn in a C.O.O.L form plus a Health Record at the scale. Market steers are required to turn in the following items to the brand inspector: a) Ownership E-slip AND b) Transportation slip AND c) prohibited feed affidavit AND d) C.O.O.L form. 14. Male animals exhibited must have been born on or after January 1, of current year (exception: rabbits, poultry, cavies, cats, dogs, goats, horses see exhibit classes). 15. Each club may enter only one club herd per species. 16. An animal may be entered in only one class but also be shown in breeding flock, produce of dam, breeding herd, sow and litter, club herd, championship, and showmanship class. There is no cross entry with market animals and breeding animals. 17. All stalls and pens must be cleaned prior to leaving the fair- grounds, or premiums will be withheld. You must check out with the superintendent. 18. Please read Herdsmanship section. 19. Exhibitor’s may place a 3x5 index card on the bulletin board in the show barn to sell breeding stock or their market animal that didn’t make the weight requirements. There is no advertising of animals for sale in the barns. 4-H/FFA SHOWMANSHIP POLICIES 1. The purpose of the livestock showmanship contest is to teach youth courtesy, good grooming, poise, and confidence; and how to fit, handle and train animals. Basis of Judging: The contestant - appearance and attitude (Clean, neat, 20 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. courteous, attentive, and confident; for FFA CDE’s require official dress) The animal - condition and groom (Clean, good condition for breeding or market) Showing the animal (Ability to show the animal to good advantage and to move the animal as directed by the judge Showmanship Classes: All junior, intermediate and senior champion and reserve champion showman may return to the ring for the Grand Champion Showman class per species. Whether the novice level returns is at the discretion of the judge. All 4-H/FFA exhibitors must show in a showmanship class. Animals exhibited in showmanship classes must also be shown in a conformation class (Exception: horses). Dogs shown in obedience must be shown in showmanship. All animals including poultry and rabbits must be shown to be judged. If a showman is champion in more than one division, that showman must select the one division he/she will show in. The third or fourth place showman, when necessary, in the non-selected division is eligible to show if 1st or 2nd is unable. Grand Champion Livestock Showman will include: Dairy Cattle, Goats, Beef, Sheep, Swine and Horse. Champion and Reserve Champion Showman in each species division will compete in the Large Animal Round Robin contest. A) If an exhibitor exhibits multiple breeding species, they are required to show each species they exhibit in a showmanship class to be eligible for Round Robin. B) If an exhibitor brings a market animal and it doesn’t make weight, if the exhibitor choose to not remove the animal they are required to show that animal in a feeder and showmanship class. C) If an exhibitor exhibits market and breeding animals in the same species, they can show either the market or the breeding in showmanship. D) If an exhibitor exhibits market and breeding animals of different species they are required to show their animal in a showmanship class of all exhibited species to qualify for Round Robin. 4-H/FFA LIVESTOCK AUCTION POLICIES 1. Market Animals sold in Auction include: Market Steer, Market Lambs, Market Swine, Market Rabbits, Market Poultry, and Market Wether or Doeling Goats. 2. All market animals meeting the following criteria must be sold through the auction sale. Animals not meeting these grade and weight requirements will not be sold at auction: Steer -- grading select or better, 1,050 lbs. minimum. Steers traveling 20 miles or less will receive a 3% shrink, those traveling 21-49 miles will receive 2% shrink and above 50 miles will receive 0% shrink. Shrink will be applied after weigh-in. Those exhibitors who have market steers that are not sold for RESELL, which the destination is TYSON; will be paid on the value of the carcass quality. The exhibitor will still receive the buyer support price. Lamb -- grading good or better – 105 - 155 lbs. Lambs transported 0-20 miles will receive a 2% shrink. Lambs traveling 21 or more miles will receive no shrink. Shrink will be applied after weigh-in. Sheep wool must be 1/2” or less in length before weigh-in. Swine -- grading U.S. No. 2 or better -- 220 - 310 lbs. Swine trans- ported 0- 20 miles will receive a 2% shrink. Swine traveling 21 or more miles will receive no shrink. Shrink will be applied after weigh-in. Goats - Wether or Doeling Only – weighing between 60-120 lbs. Goats transported 0- 20 miles will receive a 2%shrink. Goats traveling 21 or more miles will receive no shrink. Shrink will be applied after weigh-in. Rabbits -- (pen of 3) 4 - 5½ lbs. per rabbit. Poultry Chickens (pen of 3) - Broiler 4-6 lbs. ea. Roasters 6 lbs. or more, Turkeys (1 ea.) Hens 12-16 lbs., Toms 20-30 lbs., Goose (1 ea.) 8-15 lbs., Ducks (pen of 3) 5-8 lbs. ea. 3. 3½% COMMISSION WILL BE CHARGED ON ALL LIVESTOCK SOLD THROUGH THE SALE (to handle auction costs). This will include any add-on money. 4. An exhibitor may enter only one market animal (or pen of animals). Only one market animal can be weighed in. Market animal must be declared before crossing the scales. 5. All market animals to be sold through the 4H/FFA auction must be clean and dry prior to the sale by the deadline set by the sale committee. The use of oils, adhesives, glitter or other adornments or enhancements are strictly prohibited on sale day. 6. Sale order: The judge will place the grand champion class in sale order per species. Then the remaining will be based upon quality grade and class placing per species. 7. Animals receiving white ribbons in a market class (live standard grade) will not go through sale. 8. Exhibitors selling animals must take his/hers own animal through the auction sale ring unless officially excused. To be officially excused requires the authorization of a sale committee member, their club leader/advisor, superintendent of the species, and the 4-H Extension Agent. 9. All Large Market Animals sold through the auction MAY NOT be shown in any future shows. This qualifies this auction as a Terminal Show. MARKET ANIMAL AUCTION 4-H/FFA Livestock Auction From all over Baker County, 4-H and FFA members bring their steer, sheep, swine, weather goat, rabbit, and poultry market animals to the fair to be judged for proper care, quality and showmanship. Their animals are then 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 21