2019 Baker County Fair Book 2019 Baker County Fair Book | Page 18

THANK YOU! 2018-2019 Baker County 4-H Leaders & FFA Chapters LEADERS /ADVISORS: Jan Alexander Julie Barnes Wendy Bingham Seth Bingham (FFA) Hannah Bowling Tyler Bowling Jacque Cobb Beverly Coomer Mark Coomer Megan Curry Jodi Davis Joe Denig (FFA) Jandy Eskew Tami Foltz Jennie Foltz Bibiana Gifft (FFA) Colleen Gilmore Alaina Gotzman Sara Hayes Angela Johnson Michelle Kaseberg Debbie Kellogg LaDonn McElligott Nicole Merchant (FFA) Gregg Miles Jack Myers Toni Myers Michelle Owen Brianna Peppers Patty Rasmussen Adam Robb Angela Robb Todd Robinette Terri Siddoway Dana Simrell Randy Simrell Cortney Storey Don Tholen Angie Turner Raeann Van Arsdall Miki Whitney Amanda Wilde Jessica Wilson (FFA) Amanda Wirth CLUBS /CHAPTERS: Baker City FFA Baker Rascals Barnyard Bandits Blazin’ Bridles Burnt River Community 4-H Burnt River FFA Durkee 4-H Eagle Valley Good Shepherds J.Q. Livestock Lone Pine Heirs Lone Pine Rangers North Powder FFA Pine Eagle FFA Pine Valley Livestock Poco Wing Range Riders The Patriots 4-H/FFA EXHIBITOR POLICIES 1. All 4-H members enrolled in the Baker County 4-H program and all Baker County FFA chapters may participate in the Baker County Fair (including North Powder FFA). International 4-H visitors are welcome to exhibit and/or enter contests. Ribbons only awarded. 2. Exhibitors are not eligible to enter the same exhibit or contest in FFA, 4-H or Open Class. 3. All Exhibitors may enter only one exhibit per class # unless otherwise specified. 4. Exhibitors may enter all classes in a project area in which they are enrolled. All “non-animal” exhibits must have the exhibitor’s name and club/chapter attached to the exhibit. This is in addition to the exhibitor tag. 5. Members who exhibit or enter contests during the Baker County Fair must have met all grade requirements of 4-H and/or FFA (through the summer of 12th grade). 4-H enrollments required by June 1, of current 4-H year. 6. 4-H Records Books are due and must be placed in the Extension Office no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday July 2nd. All premiums and trophies will be withheld from all exhibitors who submit late, no record book, or incomplete current records. Please see Record Book section for more information. 7. Division for entering exhibits and contests will be as follows: • Novice First year members, 9-11 years of age on September 1, 2018; who haven’t shown before in 4-H • Junior 9-11 years of age on Sept. 1, 2018 (4-H) • Intermediate 12-14 years of age on Sept. 1, 2018 (4-H/FFA) • Senior 15-19 years of age on Sept. 1, 2018 (4-H/FFA) 8. All 4-H/FFA youth staying on the grounds will have adult supervision with them at all times and will stay in the area designated by Fair management. Failure to comply will result in expulsion from the fair grounds. If code of conduct violations are involved the members enrollment will be terminated for the current 4-H/FFA year. 9. All 4-H members involved in participatory activities must have completed and signed Medical Release/Code of Conduct Form/Animal Science Exhibitor Agreement (Official Registration Form). 10. A Conflict Management Advisory Committee will be appointed to settle disputes. The committee may comprise an agent or FFA advisor, the chairman or representative of affected department, two unbiased people familiar with the 4-H/FFA programs, and Leader’s Assn. President. At least 3 of these members must be present, including the agent/ FFA advisor. 11. A 4-H member must be an Intermediate or Senior to exhibit animals or enter contests at State Fair. 4-H/FFA EXHIBITS POLICIES 1. All exhibits must be owned by the exhibitor, be part of supervised FFA or 4-H activities, and be the exhibitor’s work. 2. Exhibits in the Event Center for 4-H/FFA will be released on Saturday of fair, after the completion of the auction. 3. The same exhibit may not be entered in more than one class. 4. Champions and reserve champions will be selected in each class only when the judge deems there are entries of championship quality. 5. Exhibits and contestants to represent Baker County Fair at the Oregon State Fair will be chosen from blue-ribbon quality. Selection will be based on placing in class, State Fair quota system and, in some cases, sign-up. 6. Single entries will not necessarily mean first place premiums. Judges will award placing on the basis of the type and quality of entries. Trophies & awards will be awarded to blue ribbon winners only. 7. Merit system of judging will be used for all livestock classes.  4-H/FFA Premiums (unless otherwise listed): BLUE RED WHITE $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 All Classes & individuals NO Premiums will be paid for Market (conformation) Classes 4-H/FFA SUPERINTENDENTS Beef/Dairy Cattle Goat/Pygmy Goat Food Booth Home Ec Horses Market Animal Photos Poultry Rabbits/Cavies Sheep Swine Weight Masters 18 Clint Finley Christine Hawes Melissa Garner Home Ec Leaders Ethelyn Kauth TBA Stacey Ingram Tami Foltz /Jenny Foltz Melissa Foltz Eugene Hawes/LaDonn McElligott Adam Robb and Dan Morris 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 4-H/FFA GENERAL LIVESTOCK POLICIES 1. ALL LIVESTOCK MUST BE IN PLACE BY 12:00 P.M., Tues. of Fair. If a market animal is overweight or underweight at the first weigh-in the animal will be removed from the scale. The scale will be “zeroed-out” and rebalanced. The animal will immediately be reweighed again. The second weight will be the official weight of the market animal. 2. OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENTS -- All market animals must be in possession of the exhibitor by the spring weigh in date. All breeding beef, dairy cattle, sheep, swine and goats must be exhibitors’ possession 90 days prior to fair. Registered animals entered as a member’s exhibit must be registered in the name of the exhibitor. 3. AGE REQUIREMENTS -- All market steers must be born after January 1, 2018, market lambs and goats must be born after December 1, 2018. 2019 Baker County Fair Official Premium Book 19