It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the largest Fleet
Management event of the year. Over the next three days the
2019 Australasian Fleet Conference and Exhibition will bring
together some of the industry’s greatest minds for keynote
addresses, plenaries, insightful presentations, workshops
at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, alongside
real-world testing at our brand-new safety field day at
Sandown Raceway.
We don’t disguise
anything about our
novated leases
This year’s conference has been seriously supersized and
now incorporates our most diverse range of speakers and
exhibitors, the introduction of our annual Fleet Awards into
our Fleet Networking Dinner, plus a graduation ceremony for
our recent Swinburne Diploma of Leadership & Management
cohort. We look forward to recognising the achievements of
leading organisations and individuals within the fleet sector
and want to share their stories as inspiration for you to apply
within your own organisation.
At Toyota Fleet Management, we believe in putting your needs first. And being open and transparent about
everything we offer.
As you’re no doubt aware, fleet management is an ever-
expanding industry and the tasks and demands placed upon
fleet professionals continues to grow by the day. More and
more AfMA is hearing how so many of you are being asked
to do more with less resources at your disposal – and we
want to help! Knowing how best to lead, collaborate and
work effectively is an important skill to master in these
challenging times and this is one of the best places to learn.
We strongly encourage you to actively get involved in all of
the sessions over the next few days, and that you might use
this opportunity to foster new friendships, partnerships and
allies with other like-minded industry professionals. Use the
2019 Conference & Exhibition as an opportunity to educate
and improve your fleet knowledge and the ways in which
you lead within your organisation.
AfMA exists to inform, empower and advocate fleet
management. Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn,
Twitter and Facebook during the Conference and to
share your own content using the official 2019 hashtag
#AfMAfleet2019. More information about AfMA is also
available anytime on our website: afma.net.au.
‘23 years as the peak industry body – linking knowledge & people, creating outcomes’
of Novated
you money
We offer market-leading
interest rates and great
discount deals on finance, fuel,
maintenance and repairs. There
are also potential tax savings
from paying part of the lease
out of your pre-tax salary.
You can choose any
Fleet Rationalisation
or model
That’s right. Not just Toyota.
Though all our models are in the
mix, you can choose to lease
another make through us.
Easy and
& Convenient
It’s easy
Enjoy the peace of mind of
knowing that all your lease
payments, including maintenance
and fuel, are set up in one lump
sum, on the same day each month
– with no hidden fees or charges.
To speak with one of our experts, call us on 1300 888 870 or visit toyotanovated.com.au
Toyota Fleet Management is a division of Toyota Finance Australia Limited ABN 48 002 435 181, Australian Credit Licence No 392536. The information provided above is of a general nature
and for your information only. It is recommended that you seek appropriate advice from a taxation consultant or financial adviser.
TFS1805 (01/19)
1ST PRIZE $1,500 in Flight Centre Travel vouchers
2nd PRIZE $1,000 in Flight Centre Travel vouchers
3rd PRIZE $500 in Flight Centre Travel vouchers
Important: If you’re unable to accept the prize
you can nominate a charity of your choice
Congratulations to 2018 Prize winners
Greg Jensen from Churches of Christ in Queensland,
Mark Mastrippolito from Life Without Barriers and
Joshua Stephen Faith from Anglican Diocesan Services
How to Enter
1. Simply download the TheEventApp by EventsAIR
from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store on to
your device
2. Load the app and enter afma2019app as the Event
App Code, log in and have the exhibitors scan your
badge (remember, your contact details will ONLY be
provided to those exhibitors you allow to scan your
name badge and this will enter the delegate to the
prize draw)
3. The first scan from each exhibitor will go into
the draw for the prizes (if you are scanned by 3
exhibitors you will have 3 entries into the prize draw)