ANCAP: Influencing vehicle safety
Using Technology to Drive a Safety First Culture
SPEAKER Christopher L’Ecluse, Solutions Specialist, Teletrac Navman
James Goodwin, ANCAP Chief Executive
In 2018, ANCAP’s independent vehicle
safety requirements broadened
significantly – introducing new and
updated tests and adopting common
test and assessment protocols applicable
to the Australasian and European new
vehicle markets. Safety requirements will
again be expanded in 2020 to encourage
further safety improvements for the
benefit of Australian fleets and general
consumers. A wide range of fleets
have adopted vehicle purchase and use
policies in recent years, requiring 5 star
ANCAP safety rated vehicles. ANCAP also
recommends fleets consider vehicles with
an ANCAP date stamp of no more than
The New Nissan LEAF ®
three (3) years to ensure safety currency
and the dynamic inclusion of safety
assist technologies. In this session we’ll
hear about the new requirements from
2020 and explore how organisations can
incorporate a vehicle purchase and use
policy which takes into account the latest
safety advancements.
The workplace extends far beyond the
four walls of the office. The vehicles
that make up an organisation’s fleet are
often fraught with the most danger, with
statistics showing that over two thirds
of all workplace fatalities occur in or
around a vehicle. This presentation will
share an interesting case study about
New Zealand Racing Board’s journey
with Fleet management, Work Health &
Safety and Telematics.
In late 2015 the New Zealand Racing
Board’s (NZRB) Health and Safety
Committee made a recommendation
to consider implementing vehicle GPS
for assisting in improving safe driving
behaviours for its fleet of 126 plus vehicles
and 800 plus employees. High accident
and damage rates and increasing vehicle
infringements were seen as an indicator
of poor driving behaviours, while a 360
bowtie analysis confirmed this risk as the
highest priority for the NZRB.
Since 2016 the NZRB has undertaken a
journey of engagement with its workers
in implementing the use of GPS, driver
education & training, improvements
in vehicle selection, combined with a
balance of positive driving behaviour
re-enforcement and an approach of
accountability where due which has led
to significant improvements in all areas of
fleet safety for its workers.
Hear how this journey was undertaken
by NZRB, considerations they had to take
into account, and the results they have
achieved to date with their workers and
driver behaviour including the financial
benefits that have resulted.
Strike the perfect balance of happy
customers, safe drivers and low costs.
All you need are the right tools.
It’s our job to make your job easier.
Get in touch to find out how.
1300 111 477
Overseas model shown