2019-2020 Eğitim Öğretim Dönemi 1 DijiTED Sayımız 2019-2020 DİJİTED1.SAYI. (1) | Page 27
Akşam yemeğinde “Barbekü” keyfi yaşadıktan
sonra sabaha kadar söndürülmeyen kamp ateşi
etrafında hep birlikte şarkılar söyleyerek ve
sohbetler ederek kampı daha da eğlenceli hale
TED Malatya Koleji öğrencileri ve öğretmenleri
olarak böyle bir kampta bulunmaktan dolayı
çok mutlu olduk.
Seneye gerçekleştirilecek olan TED Gençlik
Kampını üçüncü kez düzenlemek için
TED Malatya College 2nd Youth Camp
On Friday, 20.09.2019, in the
natural environment of the
campus of İnönü University,
our teachers and students spent
a very different day and night
with enthusiasm.
Our students set up their tents
in the camp, which was carried
out jointly with İnönü
University İnösar Team,
Mountaineering and Winter
Sports Club and Scouting Club.
While having fun with the
games and sports activities
prepared, they also learned to
work as a team and help each
other, leaving aside technology
for a day and enjoying the
pleasure of being alone with
their friends, teachers and
After enjoying the “BBQ at
dinner, they made the camp
even more fun by singing and
chatting around the campfire,
which was not extinguished
until morning.
As TED Malatya College
students and teachers, we were
very happy to be in such a
We look forward to organizing
the TED Youth Camp for the
third time.