2019-2020 Eğitim Öğretim Dönemi 1 DijiTED Sayımız 2019-2020 DİJİTED1.SAYI. (1) | Page 21

TED Malatya College Organized the Republic Ball Our founder, school principals, students and esteemed parents attended the ball which was organized by our school. The ball started with the one minute silence and then the National Anthem. Our school director said "Atatürk chose the Republican regime because He saw that the implementation of the principles of full independence and national sovereignty could only be made possible with the republican regime. Republic is a regime established by those who choose nationalism, citizenship instead of servitude, nationalism instead of individual power, modernity instead of bigotry." After the speech, our students took the stage with a music concert. Dance songs were performed at night as well as the songs Atatürk liked. The ball ended with the 96th year cake. 21 dijiTED