2019-2020 ARTLINK TEACHER'S HANDBOOK ENGLISH 2019 2020 ArtLink Guidelines FINAL | Page 53
III. The ArtLink Interactive Video Conference (IVC)
Essential Questions
Enduring Understandings
What is culture?
What are values and how do they help define one’s
Art is a universal language that can convey cultural
norms and values.
Expanding one’s awareness of other cultures enhances
appreciation of the lives of peers living in another
Description and Important Points
• Technical test with a Creative Connections' staff member.
• Write/type the student's first name on a card/piece of paper to hold up when
the student is talking/presenting.
To prepare your class, share an overview of what the IVC includes:
• Welcome: Greeting in both one’s own and the partners’ native languages,
sharing the current time, weather conditions and what one sees outside of
the classroom window.
• Discussion: Based on three questions found in the Analyzing Your Partner’s
Artwork Worksheet.
• Display of Partner Art: Students hold up all the pieces of art so each partner can
see his/her piece.
• Back-and-Forth Dialogue: Questions and replies between the students and the
3. Preparing
for the
artists of the 4-5 pieces selected by each partner class. Open questions are
• Cultural Presentation: Each class presents a two-minute song or dance from
their culture.
• Wrap-up Discussion and Farewell
a. Ask for class volunteers to share the information in the opening
‘Welcome’ session (local time, current weather, view outside classroom
b. Ask each student to write their first name boldly on a name card to
display whenever they speak.
c. With class, review partner’s art pieces and select 4-5 they would like to
examine more closely–ones of particular interest or which are the
richest in cultural detail.
d. Once selected, brainstorm a list of the questions for each piece to ask the
artist and/or the whole class. Ask “what,” “how,” “why,”
“who,” or “where” questions, rather than ones that only require a “yes” or
“no” answer. For older classes, prepare a list of deeper questions on
culture and values. (See examples in “General Tips” section below.)
Questions and observations can come from the art, the artist
descriptions, or both.
e. Assign one or two students to display each of the 4-5 selected pieces and
to ask the questions. Remind your students that once a question has
been answered, asking follow-up questions or offering observations is
important to the dialog.
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2019 -2020 ArtLink Program “Our Environment, My Culture”
The full set
of your
partner’s art
pieces with
the Artist
set of
Partner Art
Page 53