2019-2020 ARTLINK TEACHER'S HANDBOOK ENGLISH 2019 2020 ArtLink Guidelines FINAL | Page 11

I. Program Overview Communicating With Your Partner Class Besides exchanging art, there are important ways to share ideas with your partner class. Flipgrid We encourage you and your students to keep in touch with your partner class throughout the exchange period by posting on our new Flipgrid platform. Each ArtLink partnership (by program ID#) will have a dedicated space to post simple videoclips of students introducing themselves, creating art for one another, receiving the art created for them, etc. over the 6-month exchange. Once your partnership is launched, we will send out instructions on how to access and use this exciting teacher-friendly platform. ArtLink Videoconference - IVC (Interactive Video Conference) Classes who have registered for ArtLink with Videoconferencing will meet their partners in a live session (55-60 minutes) that is fully facilitated by the staff of Creative Connections. Using the exchanged art as the basis for cultural exploration and real-time dialogue, students will learn effective communication skills and strategies. The ArtLink IVC section (pages 53-54) includes a conference overview as well as recommended preparation tasks. Scheduling October and November: Scheduling of IVC conferences via online system and emails. December and January: Technical requirements are emailed and system testing takes place between Creative Connections and partner schools. February and March: IVCs are held. Back to Table of Contents 2019 -2020 ArtLink Program “Our Environment, My Culture” Page 11