2019/20 Budget Communication Final Budget Communication | Page 35

o Crayons (from 10 percent to free) o Sharpeners (from 45 percent to free) o School Rulers (from 10 percent to free) o Chart Paper (from 20 percent to free) o Projectors (from 45 percent to 35 percent) o Projector Screens (from 45 percent to 35 percent) o Radios (from 45 percent to 35 percent) o Pots/Pans (from 45 percent to 25 percent) o And all Household Furniture (from 45 percent to 25 percent) Removing the duty from musical instruments. Allowing trailers for commercial fishing boats to be eligible for duty exemption. Amending the Spirits and Beer Manufacture Act (Ch. 373) to reduce the minimum bushel requirement for production, to now make microbreweries eligible for import duty concessions. You would recall that the government earlier in the fiscal year increased the VAT zero- rating on Light Bills from those under $200 to those under $300. It was approved as a temporary measure that was to expire at the end of June. I am pleased to advise that this higher ceiling has been made permanent, and customers will continue to enjoy VAT zero-rating on electricity bills under $300. Water Bills under $50 per billing cycle will also continue to enjoy VAT zero-rating. I can also announce today Mr. Speaker that as of March of this year over 23,500 households have benefitted from this elimination of VAT from these utilities. ii. Environmental Protection and Advancement To advance our commitment to environmental sustainability, we have tailored several measures in the 2019/20 Budget with an aim to not only protect the environment, but also to increase environmental awareness across all islands. In addition, the measures aimed at environmental purposes are in line with the Government’s planned ban on plastic by January 2020. These measures include: 34