2018 World T.E.A.M. Annual Review 2018 World T.E.A.M. Annual Review | Page 16

WORLD T.E.A.M. PROFILE SPOTLIGHT >> EAGLE, COLORADO SEPTEMBER 6-9, 2018 2018 >> ADVENTURE TEAM CHALLENGE COLORADO ADVENTURE INITIATIVE Jillian Harpin enjoyed life as a 23-year-old financial analyst. During a 2016 Mexico vacation, a fall from a third story balcony resulted in a spinal injury with paralysis from the waist down. During rehabilitation, Jillian was introduced to adaptive sports. She began participating in demanding outdoor sports, including a half marathon. A World T.E.A.M. alumnus at an obstacle course race encouraged her to seek out Colorado’s Adventure Team Challenge. Jillian traveled west from her Connecticut home to participate. She was impressed with the camaraderie and inclusiveness, and was inspired to give her best effort. “There was a point during the race where I wanted to quit, when I thought my shoulders were going to give out and I couldn’t pedal any further,” Jillian recalled. “But, as I looked around at my teammates who were all cheering me on and encouraging me to keep going, I decided to push myself past where I thought my breaking point was and prove to myself and to everyone what I am really made of.” Continuing to surprise herself with her athletic progress, Jillian seeks out outdoor sports regularly. 10 WORLD T . E . A . M . ANNUAL RE VIEW 2018