2018 World T.E.A.M. Annual Review 2018 World T.E.A.M. Annual Review | Page 22

>> LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK AUGUST 14-15, 2018 WORLD T.E.A.M. PROFILE SPOTLIGHT 2011-18 >> 2014-18 >> FACE OF AMERICA COASTAL TEAM CHALLENGE SPECIAL ABILITIES INITIATIVE In 2014, Alex Rohman and his friend George Taborsky had an idea. Both were alumni of World T.E.A.M.’s Face of America cycling challenge to Gettysburg and understood the exceptional empowerment of athletes through inclusive outdoor sporting activities. As Long Island, New York residents, Alex and George were very familiar with water sports. They believed World T.E.A.M.’s Coastal Team Challenge, hosted in 2009 along the Northwest Pacific coast, could be reimagined as an inclusive program along the island’s southern coast. With assistance and support from American Portfolios and Independent Group Home Living Program, the Challenge was successfully relaunched in August 2014. Developmentally-adaptive athletes with Independent Group Home Living Program have participated in the four years since the Challenge’s relaunch, alongside able-bodied coaches. Together as teams, the athletes paddled sea kayaks in a two-day journey. “Bringing together people from all walks of life with a challenge like this, changes all of us for the better,” said Alex. A partner with TimeCapital Investor Advisory Services since 2002, Alex serves as the Coastal Team Challenge’s Program Coordinator. In 2015, he was elected to a three year-term as a member of World T.E.A.M.’s Board of Directors. In his role, he has served as the Governance Committee Chair for the board. 14 WORLD T . E . A . M . ANNUAL RE VIEW 2018