LIVE Challenges
Diesel Technology
Questions? Please contact Lance Larsen or Matt Stoveken at:
Phone: Lance (920) 498-6302 or Matt (920)-491-2634
Student capacity: 12
Limit 2 (graduating students) per High School may compete
Contest rules:
1. Must be a graduating senior to enter
2. Students must be enrolling at NWTC in the Diesel Medium/Heavy-Duty Truck or Diesel
Technology program
3. No tools required
4. Contest may take up most of the day
The event will consist of 3 parts:
Part 1: Written Test
This test will cover the basics of the following areas:
1. Basic diesel engine theory and operation
2. Diesel engine construction
3. Basic electrical
4. Diesel engine and truck application
This will be approx. 40 questions including: true/false, short answer and multiple choice style
Part 2: Component Identification
Contestants will have 15 minutes to identify various components on, in and under a class 8
Part 3: Troubleshooting
This portion of the test will be done on a live 6 cylinder large bore engine.
1. Contestants will be required to follow a pre-start check list
2. Troubleshoot a no-crank complaint
Students will have 15 minutes to complete this section.