Midnight Sun
Pride Of Midnight H.F.
Pride Of Stanley
Prides Generator
Spirit Of Midnight
H.F. Spirit's Nell
Nell's Last Lady
Sun's Delight D.
Delight's Counselor
Lucky Carnation
Count's Silver Lining
Ebony's Count Down
Counts Smooth Salin
Invasion's Mist
Merry Go Boy
Go Boy's Black Jack
Miss May Sun
Jack's Black Rebel
Merry Go Boy
Go Boy's Little Flirt
Merry Boys Sassy Sue
Crystal Cream
Midnight Mack K.
Mack K's Handshaker
Deep Purple
Handshakers Red Lady
Sun's Star Go Boy
Sun's Black Merry
Naughty Miss
2010 and 2011 Reserve World Champion Model Stallion
Palomino President is the “Golden” son of the great JFK. He is the ONLY Palomino son of JFK. He is a very versatile stallion with very good
looks. He is the 2 time Reserve World Champion Model Stallion and is a very versatile riding horse. Beauty and functionality are his two
main attributes. If you are looking for a stallion to produce you a foal to be your next rail or trail companion with a sport car look, Palomino
President is your guy. His foals are very level headed and easy to train. More than half of his offspring have gotten his palomino coloring.
Consider Palomino President. He is setting the “Gold Standard” for the Tennessee Walking Horse. For more information on breeding to
Palomino President click on the following link; http://attherisingstar.com/stallions/palomino-president/