Midnight Sun
Pride of Midnight
Pride of Stanley
Prides Gold Coin
Sun's Delight D.
Delight's Joanna
Duke's Flight
Gold Power
Midnight Sun
Pride Of Midnight H.F.
Pride Of Stanley
Prides Donna
Midnight Sun
Sun's Pretty Donna
Miss Silver Fleet
Ebony Masterpiece
Ebony's Black Market
Midnight Irene
Market's Main Man HV
Ebony Masterpiece
Ebony's Dark Lady P.R.F.
Go Boy's Dusty Rose
Main Man's Spirit
Pride Of Midnight H.F.
Pride's Dark Spirit
Spirit Of Merry Boy
Spirit's Fantasy HV
Sun's Quarterback
Sun's Lucy Bell
Lucy Bell Shaw
2005 World Grand Champion, 2005 World Champion Aged Stallion
2004 Reserve World Grand Champion, 2004 Reserve World Champion Aged Stallion
2003 World Grand Champion Four-Year-Old, 2003 World Champion Four-Year-Old Stallion
2002 World Grand Champion O/A Three-Year-Old, 2002 World Champion O/A Three-Year-Old Stallion
2002 World Champion Three-Year-Old Stallion
Originating from one of the industry’s top bloodlines, Main Power has certainly proven himself a champion show horse, earning three sets of roses
during his stellar career. Today he is passing along that same talent to his offspring. Main Power offspring have made a significant mark in the show
ring. More Horsepower, He’s My Main Man, MP1, MP2, Brain Power, Main Sweetie and Candy Crush claiming multiple titles. The future promises
to be even greater for his get, who are demonstrating great promise as both performance and flat-shod contenders. Main Power is proving to be an
excellent cross with second-generation Prides Generator mares such as A Jazz Man, Gen’s Armed and Dangerous, Gen’s Major General, and The
Skywatch. Main Power’s bloodlines and talent put him at the top of the list of up-and-coming sires and thus far, his offspring are proving that to be
true. For more information on breeding to Main Power, click the following link; http://attherisingstar.com/stallions/main-power/