Pride Of Midnight H.F.
Prides Generator
H.F. Spirits Nell
Gen.'s Major General
Sun's Delight D.
Delight's Lucky Charm
Merry Boys Charm Lady
Colors In General
Paint The Town
Paints Rooster
Rocket's Miss Merry
Patches Painted Lady
Go Boy Determination
Patches Shadow
Friday's Child
Midnight Sun
Pride of Midnight H.F.
Pride of Stanley
Prides Generator
Spirit Of Midnight
H.F. Spirits Nell
Nell's Last Lady
Generators Winning Colors
Shadow's Black Bird
Paint The Town
Dusty Sally
Foxfire's Jasmine
Spirit's Sun Dust
Patsy's Nancy
Stockdale's Patsy
Homozygous Black, Homozygous Tobiano Stallion
General Hector is the culmination of planned breeding in the name of producing one of the best pedigreed Homozygous Tobiano Tennessee
Walking Horse stallions. Bred and raised by Wayne Oliver of Lee’s Summit Missouri, General Hector is a son of the great stall ion World
Champion Colors in General and World Champion show mare Generator’s Winning Colors. His sire Colors in General won numerous W orld
Championships at all ages at the Spotted Saddle Horse Breeder’s and Exhibitors Association (SSHBEA) ridden and trained by Dicky Bedwell.
His dam Generator’s Winning Colors was World Champion Two-Year-Old Plantation Pleasure horse at the 1995 Tennessee Walking Horse
Celebration with Howard Hamilton aboard. This was an outstanding achievement for a tobiano (spotted) mare to rec eive this title. General
Hector is her only son. Now easily available to the public at Rising Star Ranch, General Hector is a great opportunity for breeders to raise a
great spotted foal, guaranteed. General Hector has great size; 16 hands, A great easy go ing demeanor and a great gait. We suggest crossing
any of your top mares with him and you will be thrilled with the resulting foal. For More information click on the following link;