2018 Special Edition 2018 Special Edition | Page 4

Green Lake Conference Center The place and space to discover God’s better version of ourselves and our world Lord, in a still, small voice, speak to us here! We invite you to journey to Green Lake, the historic place and space of ReCreation where you can discover God’s better version of yourself and your world. The pace and constant stimulation of modern life can crowd God out, or shrink Him, in our perceptions. The beauty and size of Green Lake Conference Center offers a unique historic space where we can slow down to speed up our connection with our Lord. As 20th century poet and pacifist Edith Lovejoy Pierce (1904-1983) writes in her poem* titled “Green Lake,” “Green Lake is a quiet uncluttered space where things eternal find us, face to face.” In a crowded worship room, over a lunch conversation, sitting hearing a preacher, or alone at sunrise on Lone Tree Point, God refreshes, renews and transforms us for our journey of life and service to Him on these sacred grounds. We invite you to come and experience “a closer walk with God” at Green Lake Conference Center. *From the BAPTIST LEADER, 1953 2 | Green Lake Conference Center