2018 Racial Profiling Report 2018 Racial Profiling Report | Page 65

( Revised 04-09-10 ) ( Revised 12-08-14 ) ( Revised 03-01-16 ) ( Renumbered 07-27-17 )( Revised 09-01-17 )( A 1.2.9 )
A . Collection and Reporting Guidelines
1 . For each motor vehicle and subject stop not related to a dispatched call for service , the primary officer involved in the stop shall collect information in compliance with the State of Texas Racial Profiling laws and this policy .
2 . For each asset forfeiture event , information on the person in control of the property shall be collected in compliance with this policy .
3 . The motor vehicle stop information collected shall be compiled into an annual report covering the period January 1 through December 31 of each year , and shall be submitted to the Mayor and City Council no later than March 1 of the following year .
4 . The subject stop information collected shall be compiled into an annual report covering the period of January 1 through December 31 of each year , and shall be submitted to the Police Chief no later than March 1 of the following year .
5 . The Crime Analysis Unit is responsible for ensuring the motor vehicle and subject stop information is reviewed and analyzed on an annual basis , pursuant to this policy . The review shall include a review of the data collected and citizen concerns to determine if the policies and practices regarding motor vehicle or subject stops can be improved . ( A
1.2.9d )
6 . The annual reports shall not include identifying information about any individual stopped or arrested , and shall not include identifying information about any peace officer involved in a stop , arrest or asset forfeiture .
B . Motor Vehicle and Subject Stop Collection , Compilation , and Reporting Requirements 1 . Each officer shall make the following report for each motor vehicle stop and for every subject stop to which an officer is not dispatched :
• a physical description of the driver involved in a motor vehicle stop and a physical description of each person involved in a subject stop , including gender and race ; and whether the officer did or did not know the person ’ s race prior to contact ;
• reason for the stop ;
• final outcome of the stop – citation , arrest , or warning ; resident status ;
• if a search was conducted , what type of search ;
• if contraband was seized , what type of contraband ; and
• if force was used , was there resulting injury to the subject . 2 . Motor Vehicle and Subject Stop Procedure a . Officers must checkout on every motor vehicle and subject stop , via radio communication with dispatch . b . A call for service shall be initiated in CAD for each motor vehicle and subject stop . Initiating the call requires no additional action by the officer . However , the call must be cleared with the appropriate disposition code at the conclusion of the stop . c . Officers must clear the call on the MDC ; not through dispatch . Only officers working without a properly operating MDC may clear motor vehicle and subject stops through dispatch over the radio .