2018 Racial Profiling Report 2018 Racial Profiling Report | Page 62

414.01 Policy , Purpose , and Definitions ( Effective 12-31-01 ) ( Revised 08-21-08 ) ( Revised 09-01-17 ) ( A 1.2.9 )
A . Philosophy . Racial / Bias-Based Profiling continues to be a challenge in the United States despite constitutional guarantees of equal treatment under the law . Such profiling undermines the public safety by straining police-community trust , which results in a lack of confidence in the police by the communities they serve . The installation of strong , unambiguous laws which prohibit unfair treatment by law enforcement can improve police-community relations , instill confidence , and re-build trust between officers and the public .
B . Purpose . The purpose of the Racial / Bias-Based Profiling policy is to reaffirm Arlington Police Department ’ s commitment to unbiased policing in all encounters between officers and members of the public . These policies and procedures serve to ensure public confidence and mutual trust through service provided in a fair and equitable manner .
C . Policy
1 . It is the policy of the Arlington Police Department to police proactively ; and rigorously enforce state and federal laws in a responsible and professional manner , without regard for race , gender or any other identifying characteristic .
2 . This Racial / Bias-Based Profiling Policy is adopted in compliance with the requirements of existing Texas Racial Profiling laws , which prohibit peace officers from engaging in racial / bias-based profiling .
D . Definitions :
Racial / Bias-Based Profiling : Is defined as a law enforcement-initiated action based on , but not limited to , an individual ’ s race , ethnicity , national origin , gender , sexual orientation , gender identity , religion , economic status , age , cultural group , or any other identifiable group ; rather than on the individual ’ s behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity . Racial / bias-based profiling pertains to persons who are viewed as suspects or potential suspects of criminal behavior . The term is not relevant as it pertains to witnesses , complainants , persons needing assistance , or other citizen contacts .
( A 1.2.9 )
Race or Ethnicity : For purposes of this policy : Alaska or American Indian ; Asian ; Black ; Latino or Hispanic ; Middle Eastern ; Pacific Islander or Hawaiian ; and White .
An Act Constituting Racial / Bias-Based Profiling : Acts initiating law enforcement action , such as a motor vehicle stop , a subject stop , a search , issuance of a citation , asset forfeiture or an arrest based solely upon an individual ’ s race , ethnicity , national origin , gender , sexual orientation , gender identity , religion , economic status , age , cultural group , or any other identifiable groups ; or on the basis of racial or ethnic stereotypes , rather than upon the individual ’ s behavior , information identifying the individual as having possibly engaged in criminal activity , or other lawful reasons for the law enforcement action .