2018 Principal Charity Classic 2018 Title Sponsor Recap - Principle Charity Class | Page 20

ANCILLARY COVERAGE As an official PGA TOUR Champions event, Principal receives significant brand name, messaging and logo exposure through online media and peripheral television coverage in association with our partnership. Ancillary television programming such as the leaderboard update within CBS broadcast of the FedEx St. Jude Classic provides valuable network exposure for your brand along with national promotions that appear on Golf Channel properties such as Morning Drive and Golf Central. Beyond television, the digital footprint of the Principal Charity Classic is both expansive and impactful with coverage from prominent national sites such as PGATOUR.com, USATODAY. com, Yahoo.com and ESPN.com 2018 PRINCIPAL CHARITY CLASSIC TV C B S - F E D E X S T. JU DE C L ASSI C - 6/ 10 LE AD E R B OA RD