2018 Popular Annual Financial Report For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 | Page 4
M essage
O ur C itizens
HE TOWN OF GARNER is pleased to
present the 2018 Popular Annual Financial
Report (PAFR), which offers an easy-to-read
summary of the Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report (2018) for the fiscal year ending June 30,
The financial information in this report is derived
from the financial statements in the Town’s CAFR,
which is produced in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and is audited
by an independent certified public accounting
firm. Although the financial data presented in
this report are consistent with generally accepted
This publication was cre-
accounting principles, the PAFR is not expected
ated several years ago
to provide all of the detail and disclosure required
to increase awareness
of the CAFR.
in the community about
the Town of Garner’s
operations. That more detailed financial report—the CAFR—
We want to guarantee is available at Town Hall (900 7th Ave.) and on the
that you have access to Finance Department’s main page on the Town’s
high-quality, easily understandable financial in- website at garnernc.gov/departments/finance.
formation so that you can be well informed and For more information about the Town’s financial
have the utmost confidence in the way we are reports, please contact the Finance Department
running your town.
at 919.773.4408.
Ronnie S. Williams
Mayor of Garner
T own
F iscal
R esponsibility
Ensure fiscal
stability and
efficient use of
G arner S trategic G oal A reas
E fficient and T imely O rderly G rowth
S ervice D elivery
Grow and maintain
Provide efficient and
effective services that
match community needs
and expectations
a robust, diversified
Q uality
L ife
Foster a safe and
welcoming community
with access to a wide
range of opportunities
and amenities