2018 Popular Annual Financial Report For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018 | Page 14

B ond P rogram /L ong -T erm D ebt Construction on the Garner Recreation Center continued in FY 17-18. T HE TOWN OF GARNER contin- ued construction of the projects approved in the 2013 bond ref- erendums but did not issue any further general obligation bonds in FY 17-18. Garner opened its new Town Hall— a signature project in the 2013 Bond Program—in FY 17-18. Construction continued on another major bond project, the Garner Recreation Center, which will open in 2019. Another com- pleted bond project in FY 17-18 was a new picnic shelter at Garner Recreation- al Park. A number of sidewalk projects were in planning or design in FY 17- 18, including sidewalks along Vandora Springs Road, Spring Drive and Timber Drive. Debt per capita decreased by 12 percent to $1,120 in FY 17-18. This is attributable to an 8 percent population increase with no debt increase. Debt per capita in FY 17-18 was the lowest it has been since FY 13-14 when it stood at $865. 13 G arner ’ s GO B ond R atings * AAA * (Extremely Strong) Aa1 (Extremely Strong) A municipality’s general obligation (GO) bond rating indicates its credit worthiness. The stronger the rat- ing, the lower the credit risk. The Town of Garner’s extremely strong bond ratings underscore its ability to fulfill its debt obligations on an ongoing basis. * S&P upgraded the Town’s bond rating in July 2018. L ong -T erm D ebt General obligation bonds Installment financing agreements TOTAL FY 15-16 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 $29,335,000 $28,345,000 $27,345,000 5,800,674 8,577,324 7,717,118 $36,134,526 $36,922,324 $35,062,118 2018 POPULAR ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT