2018 NPAA Magazine 2018 NPAA Magazine - This is Our Sport | Page 5

A letter to our athletes. By Dr. Wendy Carvalho-Ashby Dear Athletes, A journey to the stage should be about self love, and the process or evolution of the mind and body to achieve such self realization and personal goal. Many people sit in the room of an athletes meeting the day before a show and are wrought with insecurities... “I wish I was leaner, bigger, taller, shorter, prettier, more handsome, braver and the list of internal dialogue goes on and on…” Believe in yourself. Believe in self love. You are good enough. Celebrate don’t self deprecate. We are proud of you all. I question that type of thinking and ask those athletes to “halt” such negative self doubt... do they not realize that it actually took self love to achieve their goal? What is this concept of self love? Isn’t this just a selfish sport and isn’t every athlete just vain and isn’t the process just a means to win a trophy and get first place....Not our athletes, not this federation In the past 5 years I have witnessed something way more powerful than vanity and self doubt. I have witnessed self prioritizing love so that these athletes can pay it forward to their families, friends and community. So what is this self love I speak of...it’s evident in the choices our athletes make daily. It’s choosing chicken over a twinkie. It’s the mom who has to workout at 9:30 pm at night because she has to finish the day with her family, but she won’t give up on her goals. It’s the student who has to juggle studying for exams, living with roommates who tease them but they refuse to compromise their progress and find a way to get it done. It’s the individual who has 100 or more pounds to lose and they wipe away their tears of pain with progress on the scale. It’s the person who is battling with disease and says not today, you will not take me away. The personal investment In oneself, little sacrifices and large sacrifices that each competitor makes to better their health and wellness as a natural competitor is a true sign of self love. So if you sit the day before a show or of a goal and doubt yourself. realize this, you are enough. You don’t need to be shorter, taller, thinner, bigger, younger, older or prettier those self doubts aren’t love ...remember love got you here. 4.