IPC Day Camp at Point Pleasant
2018 Summary
- Eight one-week sessions were held between May 28 and July 20.
- 731 camp spots were filled: 77 (10.5%) by I.P.C. members and 654 (89.5%) by non-
members. This was 46 campers more than last year’s total of 685, 80 more than in
2016, and 129 more than the 602 campers in 2015! We are operating at a full capacity,
averaging 91 campers each session.
- Transportation was provided to 214 campers over the eight-week period.
- 5 scholarships were awarded in varying amounts totaling $625.
We are thankful for the good 2018
summer day camp. We enjoyed another
camp season free from serious injury and
filled with many good experiences. Thank
you to all who prayed for the health and
safety of campers and staff as well. The
camp season was eight one-week sessions
beginning May 28 and ending July 20.
Camp filled very quickly again this year
(enough applications received to fill camp
on the first day of registration) and we
were unable to accommodate 170 new
applicants. We continue “graduating”
many eleven-year-olds who have been
coming to camp since they were five!
The camp is an evangelistic outreach tool
with the gospel being clearly proclaimed
on a daily basis. It is also an excellent
opportunity for our middle school, high
school, and college-aged people to learn
service, leadership, and teamwork. One of
my greatest joys in directing the camp is
working with the staff through the many
challenges that occur daily and seeing them
grow in their relationships with each other.
The Point Pleasant property is a near ideal
facility for a venture of this sort and our
growing youth program goes a long way
in providing the needed staff. Here is a
summary of our 2018 day camp.
- The camp employed one director for a period of eight weeks, one assistant director
for a period of seven
weeks, and 39 high
school, college, and
college-grad staff (up
from 28 last year) for
periods ranging from
one to eight weeks. The
program for middle
school volunteers
(I.P.C. members only)
continued this summer
and 16 of our middle
schoolers participated
(up from 11 last year).
- The camp program
included Bible, Sports
and Games, Swimming,
Challenge Course, Arts
and Crafts, Canoeing
and Kayaking, BB riflery, as well as other assorted activities.
- We continue to make good use of our High Ropes “Quad Course” and the deepwater
dock. I don’t believe anyone in the area has the program offerings of I.P.C. Day
Camp—High Challenge Course, use of the marsh and Turner’s creek for kayaking
(deepwater dock being key in this area), good areas for sports, games, and recreation.
These things coupled with a great staff make for an outstanding camp for the whole
- A closing program and slide show was held each Friday and attended by
approximately 80-100 parents each week. A CD of the slide show, brochures, and
informational materials about I.P.C. were made available to parents at the end of each
Friday’s closing ceremony. A voucher for a free family meal after Sunday evening
worship at Point Pleasant was also given to each camper’s family, and several of those
were used by those families when they visited I.P.C. for Sunday evening worship.
Thanks to Josh Espinosa for this idea.
- The staff did an eight-week study on the life of Simon Peter, investigating important
incidents in the Gospels and seeing their effect on his writing of 1 Peter. We learned
much together and enjoyed good interaction each Monday night at our staff meetings.
- Thanks to Judy Daniell, John and Tevis Garnett, Mark and Barbara Rustine, Bill
and Jennifer Immel, Tim and Tricia Barrett with Andy and Stacy Nix, Steve and Susan
Jackson, Marc and Lucy Biemiller, and Wilber and Pam Wiggins for hosting Monday
night staff meetings. Thanks for the delicious food and wonderful hospitality.
- Thanks to Kristi Zerbe (former SCAD student and I.P.C. member) for the artwork for
our 2018 camp tee shirt, featuring two campers attempting the “Multi-vine” element
on our high ropes course. We use this shirt on tie-dye day.
In reviewing all my records in order to write this report, I am again reminded of the
wonderful support and contributions by so many at I.P.C. in order to make this camp
the success that it is. God bless you all.