2018 Messenger May 2018 Messenger | Page 12

PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID SAVANNAH, GA The IPC Messenger INDEPENDENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P. O. BOX 9266 SAVANNAH, GA 31412 Point Pleasant Evening Services Our Sunday evening services at Point Pleasant will begin on Sunday, May 27 and continue through September 2, with singing beginning at 5:15 p.m. and worship at 5:30 p.m. The facilities will open at 3:00 p.m. for appropriate Lord’s Day leisure activities for the family. Please note that not all forms of recreation are consistent with the Fourth Commandment, but only those which directly promote one’s appreciation and love of God and His Word and works. Consequently, please show what previous generations called “Sabbath restraint” in all your activities. We also wish to urge you that the informality of the setting not lead to inappropriate or immodest attire. Please, no short shorts, bathing suits, halter tops, or strapless tops should be worn in the worship service. It is important we dress in a manner that befits such occasions that are meant to sanctify the people of God and reflect our identity as a “royal priesthood, a chosen nation and a people belonging to God”…in the world, but not of it. The annual barbecue fellowship will be held on Sunday, May 27, following the evening serv ice. Services 27 The IPC Messenger (USPS 261–200) is published weekly by Independent Presbyterian Church, 207 Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401. Periodical Postage paid at Savannah, Georgia 31402. POSTMASTER: send address changes to IPC Messenger, P.O. Box 9266, Savannah, GA 31412.