2018 Messenger March 2018 Messenger | Page 12

The IPC Messenger INDEPENDENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P. O. BOX 9266 SAVANNAH, GA 31412 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID SAVANNAH, GA The IPC Messenger (USPS 261–200) is published weekly by Independent Presbyterian Church, 207 Bull Street, Savannah, GA 31401. Periodical Postage paid at Savannah, Georgia 31402. POSTMASTER: send address changes to IPC Messenger, P.O. Box 9266, Savannah, GA 31412. Spring Inquirers’ Class The next session of the Inquirers’ Class will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings beginning April 8 (lasting 7 weeks). The class, taught by Terry Johnson, will meet in the Telfair Hall (Axson Bldg.) The objective of the class is to introduce interested persons to the history, doctrine, practices, and people of the church. Contact the Senior Minister secretary for additional information at 421-8100. To register: http://ipcsav.org/Inquirersclass.