2018 Messenger March 2018 Messenger | Page 10

Spring 2018 Adult Classes Evan Gear - College Let’s study Leviticus!? It is perhaps not the most exciting of propositions. Who wants to read about all those rituals and archaic rules? What do those regulations have to do with us now? It is true. Much of the content in Leviticus seems obscure and irrelevant, yet here is the very foundation of the revelation of our faith, the center of law, the middle of the Torah. Let us learn to love it as we read, study, and see in its obscurities our Savior. Tim Shaw - New Covenant Studies in Exodus God’s people are in a land not their own. They are oppressed by tyrannical powers, enslaved, suffering immensely, wondering if salvation, freedom, and a future might ever be theirs. Exodus is the story of their salvation, the story of the birth of Israel as a nation. And of course their story mirrors our own. As we study together, we will see how Moses prefigures Christ, how Israel’s salvation is similar to our own, and what it means to follow God as his people, as we learn from Israel’s experience. Ron Parrish - Berean Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit - Growing in Christlikeness Paul shows us the way of the Spirit of God given to us through Christ: “Walk by the Spirit...led by the Spirit...live by the Spirit... keep in step with the Spirit.” That is the heart and soul of Christian living—the center and secret of what it means to be a person who belongs to Christ. Jeff Sutton - Agape The Ordo Salutis This class will explore God’s gracious benefits of our salvation. The Ordo Salutis has been called the Golden Chain of Salvation. We will study each distinct link in the chain and as a result, better know our eternal security with God. Tim Foster - Emmaus The Book of Proverbs Biblical wisdom has been defined as “the application of God’s will to the nitty-gritty of life.” Wisdom is the indispensable, God- given skill for navigating skillfully through life’s joys and perplexing circumstances. Despise God’s wisdom and you will align yourself with the way of foolishness. The Book of Proverbs instructs us through short, memorable statements of general truth that help us discern God’s wisdom concerning our speech patterns, relationships, emotions, friendships, stewardship, and even life and death. Studying Proverbs will remind us that in Jesus Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3) and that Christ has become for us “wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor 1:30). Ed Forester - Garmer The Pursuit of Godliness (1 Timothy 6:11) Exploring God’s provision for making our “calling and election” sure. MESSENGER MARCH 2018 PAGE 10