T he L ord ’ s S upper
The Lord’s Supper will be on Sunday
evening, February 4. Because of the
exceptional blessing we have in this
sacrament and the danger of eating and
drinking unworthily, it is necessary that
we come to it with knowledge, faith,
repentance, love and with hungering
and thirsting souls after Christ and
His benefits. The congregation is
encouraged to use all appointed means,
public and private, to come to the
Lord’s Table, depending upon God for
the gracious preparation of the heart
according to His promise (Psalm 10:17).
Our next scheduled Lord’s Supper will
be observed on March 4, in the evening
PRIMES’ V alentine ’ s
L uncheon
Mark your calendars and plan to attend
the PRIMES’ Valentine’s Luncheon on
Friday, February 9, 11:30 a.m. at the
Savannah Golf Club, 1661 E. President
Street. There will be a devotional and
special music. Please R.S.V.P. by Monday,
February 5. Cost is $12 per person. Make
your checks payable to I.P.C. and write
“PRIMES” on the memo line.
H eritage S unday
You and your family are cordially invited
to worship at the annual Heritage Sunday
which will be celebrated during our
morning worship service on February
11, 2018, at 11:00 a.m. Members and
friends are encouraged to wear Colonial
costumes or Scottish attire. Our tartan
banners will be displayed and we will
have bagpipers participating in the
T he A nnual M eeting
The Annual Meeting will be held on
Sunday morning, February 18, at 9:30
a.m. We will meet in the Telfair Hall.
S ession /D iaconate
M eeting
Our regular Session/Diaconate meetings
will be held on Monday evening
February 26, at 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
They will meet jointly in the Assembly
Room at 6:30 p.m.
D ead T heologians ’ S ociety
The Dead Theologians’ Society will meet
on Wednesday, February 28, at 6:45
a.m. at the home of Terry Johnson, 110
Lee Blvd. The other group will meet on
Thursday, March 1 at 12:00 noon in the
Administration Bldg. Read Holiness by
J.C. Ryle, pp. 135-285.
B iblical C ounseling and
D iscipleship T raining
Beginning Tuesday, February 6, Trinity
Presbyterian Church in Statesboro
will be sponsoring a 20-week Biblical
Counseling and Discipleship Training
course from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. This 20-
week course will be taught by TPC’s
Biblical counselors and pastoral staff.
Completion of the course will mirror
Phase I of the Association of Certified
Biblical Counselors certification. Cost
for the course is $150. For information
call TPC at 912-489-8186.
T uesday M orning C ircle
The Tuesday M