2018 March April Dublin Chamber News DCCMarchAprilNews18ONLINE | Page 2
President’s Message
President - Alan Baker
Blue & Co., LLC
President Elect - Sharon Kendall
Destinations by Design, LLC
Vice President - Scott Estep
OhioHealth Dublin Methodist Hospital
Treasurer - Scott Arthur
IGS Energy
Executive Director - Margery Amorose
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
William Andrews
Andrews Architects, Inc.
Beverly Farlow
Farlow & Associates, LLC
Greg Halvacs
Cardinal Health
Kirk Hendricks
Kinetics Noise Control
Dr. Todd Hoadley
Dublin City Schools, Ex-officio
Robert Johnson
Jezerinac Geers & Associates
Nicholas LaRocca
Muirfield Village Golf Club
Randy Leite, Ph.D.
Ohio University
Dana McDaniel
City of Dublin, Ex-officio
Gene Oliver
ITDatalytics, LLC
Todd A. Penegor
The Wendy’s Company
Lisa Snide
TCS Software, Inc.
Rod Zeigler
Sam’s Club
Advertising in this newsletter is available
only to member businesses. Ad sizes range
from business card: 3.5” wide x 2” tall; to
half page - with bleed: 8.5” wide x 5.25” tall;
to full page - with bleed 8.5” wide x 11” tall
(for bleeds, add 1/8” to all sides). For more
information about these opportunities or
to discuss online, social media or other
marketing programs, contact the Dublin
Chamber at 614-889-2001.
2 Dublin Chamber News
Getting involved and giving back can be so rewarding.
The 2018 Business Person of the Year award recipients,
Asch and Kate Mikhail, owners of Sunny Street Cafe
on Hospital Drive, are great examples of how individuals
can get involved in their community by helping local
charities, Dublin City Schools and other small businesses.
You can meet these great individuals at the Business
After Hours & Business Person of the Year Celebration
hosted by BMI Federal Credit Union on Tuesday, March
20 from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Another group that is making a difference in Dublin is the Leadership Dublin Class
of 2018. This group of area executives is working on team projects to help local
organizations including Dublin City School’s Emerald Campus, Dublin Historical
Society’s Strategic Plan and Dublin’s mobile application! In addition, class members
met with City of Dublin council members and Dublin City School leaders, attended
Dublin City Council and Planning & Zoning meetings — and got the opportunity to
learn new leadership and communication skills from area business leaders.
Leadership Dublin participants are also putting the finishing touches on Dublin’s
Community Service Day, which will be held on Saturday, May 5 from 8:30 a.m.
to noon. This event provides a perfect opportunity for you, your family and friends,
and your co-workers to get involved and make a difference in our community.
Community Service Day brings together volunteers of all ages to help local senior
citizens, non-profit organizations and schools with outdoor spring clean up. Last
year, more than 400 volunteers assisted at 70 work sites. Sign up to volunteer at
To find out more about how you can get involved in Leadership Dublin,
Community Service Day or in other Chamber events, programs and committees,
contact the Chamber at 614-889-2001.