2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 8

MIRO Back Row: Libby Wakefield, Eden O’Leary, Daisy Gittings, Holly Brittin, Chloe Hinton 5th Row: Moritz Mueller, Noe Scherer, James Ford, Thomas Mackenzie, Gabby Dawson, Jamie Howes, Tyler Birkett, Mitchell Beserra 4th Row: Simon Dietzel, Timothy Beck, Oliver Taylor, Caleb Smith, Amy Robertson, Noa Takahashi, Taylor Potaka, Jessica Hope 3rd Row: Nesta Lade, Siobhan Dodd, Arabella McArdle, Kendyll Miller, Ella Morgan, Lelani Repko, Jude Snee, Oscar Treadwell, Jonty Godfrey 2nd Row: Kayla Simpson, Ella Hoogerbrug, Jamie Cornes, Logan Murdoch, Fallon Hendrie, Eli Shaw Throp, Jack Ledword, Alice Lindsay, Anna Murfitt Front Row: Grace Strawbridge (House Tutor), Stephen Lowry (House Leader), Finlay Keip, Jemma Kendon, Imke Kitchin, Harrison Fulford MIRO Our first proper house event for the year was swimming sports. Not knowing how the year would turn out, we were keen to have some fun in the first event and focused on becoming a group rather than purely seeking the win. However, through coming together and getting as many people involved as we could, we managed to start off the race for the Patu in the best way possible and secured our first win as a complete house for the year. This left us in a state of excitement and we were more motivated than ever to carry on and win the next big event - athletics. Athletics was right around the corner so we knew we had to prepare for it. During one of our many house assemblies in preparation for the next big event, our male head house leader Finlay made a promise, a big promise, to the whole house to provide a little extra motivation. Finlay (all 6 ft 5 of him) stood up in front of our house and said that if we win the Patu, he will shave his head. This brought everyone together, because the next week at athletics for 2018, after a long day of being in the sun and cheering like crazy, to the point we all lost our voices, Miro house came away with the win. LEADERS’ REPORT Throughout our five years in Miro House at Havelock North High School, we have gone through it all. In Year 9 coming fourth, we didn’t have high hopes for the future of Miro House, however, after working our way up to coming second in 2017 our mentality for the year of 2018 had switched around for the better. Year 13 camp was our first challenge of the year and we were determined to put our best feet forward. Different events such as the huge scavenger hunt, the house chant, house sports and other team building activities lead us to the final performance of the 2018 year 13 camp. With insane amounts of adrenaline, passion and excitement running through our bodies we put on the performance of a lifetime to secure our first win of the year, giving us the inspiration we needed to carry on the winning streak. 8