2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 5

Head Boy & Head Girl Jamie Cornes, Ella Hoogerbrug This year has flown by extremely fast, however it has undoubtedly been the most amazing and challenging. diversity, creating safe spaces and reminding students that mental health is equally important as academic results was a much needed step in the right direction for Havelock North High School. Our final year of high school was kicked off with Year 13 Camp. This was a great way to kick off the year, providing the year group with a chance to come together, make new friends and form a tight knit group. With events like swimming sports, house choir and athletics following closely, it gave an opportunity for many students who had been involved over the past 5 years to give these events their final go while showing leadership towards the junior students. Looking into the summer, as head students we’ll be writing a review surrounding the leadership roles within the senior school. Havelock North High School is known for being an open and accepting school where students are exposed to hundreds of opportunities. For us, we see opportunities for improvement and a stronger drive from student groups, helping to make HNHS a more fun and exciting place. . In our roles, we had the goal of increasing the amount of student driven events around the school, utilising the various leadership groups. After attending a leadership workshop with other Central North Island school head students during Term 2, we were motivated to get something really happening. After six weeks of organisation, we managed to organise the “HNHS Senior School Quiz Night”, which will now occur as an annual event to help raise money for future Year 13 projects. Overall, we’d like to thank all the students and teachers who have supported us on this journey through our final year of high school. We are truly humbled by everyone’s support and positive attitude throughout the whole year. As cliche as it sounds, we wouldn’t be the people we are today without the school and everyone within it. This year has been an enjoyable learning curve for all students. Looking particularly at our 2018 leavers, we believe that they’re a strong, independent, empathic and diverse bunch of people. Yet most importantly, they’re all individuals with their own personalities. For us, Havelock North High School has taught us to value our integrity “I think I’m cool. That’s all that matters.” - Tyler, the Creator. So, good luck with exam results, for your future and keep being you. The quiz night felt as though it reignited the energy for the year group, and encouraged the forum group to really commit to the year 13 gift of the new set of house flags, which can now be seen at the front of the school. Although it required a good push on the fundraising side, it was an idea we all enjoyed working on and it’s satisfying to see such a result for our hard work. Looking at the wider area of the school, it was really encouraging to see groups like ‘HNHS A Good Place 2B’ and our ‘LGBTQ+ Group’ flourishing and making a prominent name for themselves within the school. Encouraging Kia Kaha. Whaia te iti Kahurangi. Jamie Cornes and Ella Hoogerbrug 5