2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 49

Badminton Girls Back Row: Front Row: Brianna Evans, Ian Johnson (Coach) Enya Chen, Linda Gee (Captain), Lady Mae Quiding This team dropped a couple of close games early on and this probably cost them a place in the top four. Nevertheless they had a good season and enjoyed their games. Girls Badminton 2018 HBSS Competition D1 Team: 12th Place D Grade P:10 W:3 L:7 Matches won:18 Matches lost:42 Team: Christie Watson ©; Keshavleen Kaur; Molly Firth; Charlie Russell; Pia McPhail With a little more commitment and a desire to improve, this team could have finished in the top half of their grade. Their result against Iona J2 won 3-3 (168-166) was definitely the narrowest winning margin of all our teams. A1 Team: 1st Place A/B Grade P:11 W:11 L:0 Matches won:65 Matches lost:1 Team:Linda Gee ©; Enya Chen; Lady-Mae Quiding; Brianna Evans This team dominated the local competition dropping just one game to NGHS A. A2 Team: 2nd Place A/B Grade P:11 W:10 L:1 Matches won:56 Matches lost:10 Team:Megan Ree ©; Manvi Bhatt; Nandika Bhatt; Risa Yamagata Good player depth meant we could field a second team in A/B grade. This team acquitted themselves very well losing just one game to our A1 team. D2 Team: 1st Place D Grade P:11 W:10 L:1 Matches won:51 Matches lost:15 Team: Tiffany Ward ©; Aimee Kay; Rachel Ferbar; Abigail MacDonald; Niamh Mason For a bunch of first time players, this was an outstanding result. Their only loss was in fact a default due to lack of player availability. The players all improved considerably and should all consider playing C grade next year. B Team: 6th Place A/B Grade P:11 W:6 L:5 Matches won:27 Matches lost:39 Team: Lily Stephens ©; Renee Beedell; Rani Williams; Natasha Stevenson; Harmony MacDonald Due to a lack of teams in A grade, it was decided to have a combined A/B grade. Once the team got over the initial shock of this, they played some good badminton and were actually the top placed ‘B’ team in the competition. HBSS Doubles Tournament This tournament once again clashed with our senior school exams, so most seniors were unavailable. In the end we had five girls doubles teams competing. Our best result was from Brianna Evans and Nandika Bhatt who finished 2nd in A grade. C Team: 5th Place C Grade P:10 W:7 L:3 Matches won:41 Matches lost:19 Team: Amber Taylor ©;Min Joo Kim; Harriet White; Sophie Borrett; Yuki Norimatsu Ian Johnson 49