2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 3

PRINCIPAL’S FOREWORD I want to start this introduction by saying a big thank you to Mr Matt Beamish and his team who have overseen the yearbook project. Such a production is only possible through the efforts of a number of people, and in addition to Mr Beamish, may I acknowledge those people who have written articles, contributed photographs and artwork, and been involved in the layout and design of the Yearbook. one of our community does something special, are the long-lasting memories that you will cherish. Outside of the classroom, students have had their schooling experiences enriched through the multitude of extra-curricular activities available to them, and there would be few schools that offer such an extensive array of opportunities in this space. From music and drama, to sport, to Duke of Edinburgh, there is something for everyone and the memories that come from such involvement tend to be lasting memories. The energy and the essence of opportunity within our school are laid out over the pages of this magazine and it is therefore a pleasure to write the introduction to the 2018 Yearbook. Travel has been a key theme this year with groups of students flying off to Japan and Switzerland for varying periods of time. On top of this, two trips on the Spirit of New Zealand, leadership trips to Wellington and the numerous field trips that students have experienced during the year, highlight the energy and essence of opportunity that have been available to Havelock North High School students in 2018. I was reminded of how students value this collection of notes and articles when I visited Germany earlier this year and an ex-student, Nicholas Gallos, was so grateful to get a hardcopy of it. It is a momento which provides reminiscences and will certainly initiate story starters in years to come. While there have been many highlights in 2018, our year began sadly with the sudden death of social sciences teacher, Diane Gourley in January. Diane’s funeral was attended by a large number of staff, Board members and students. I had known Diane’s family for many years as her father was my Principal when I was at high school, and to have her life cut short at such a young age was a travesty. To everyone who has contributed to another superb year in our school’s history I would like to extend a big thank you to you. Be it as a teacher, a student, a Board member, a parent or a friend of the school, the success of the year does not happen without a team effort. To those students who are concluding their education at Havelock North High School in 2018, I hope that you have enjoyed your experience at our school and have made the most of the many opportunities that have been available to you. This document captures a record of some of those experiences, archival information about your peers and your teachers, and memories which we hope in the main are positive. For everyone else it is another step in your progress through your secondary education. Enjoy the read. This year again, several long serving staff will retire or head into retirement. Mrs Bethne Hocquard and Mrs Hilda Overeem in their own way have made major contributions to the culture of our school and it is fitting that they are also acknowledged in this publication. While the learning that occurs in the classroom must always be front and centre of what happens in a school, the long lasting memories in most cases, come about from the many other experiences students have. The friends you make, the occasions you share together as a member of a house activity and the collective pride that comes about when G J Fenton PRINCIPAL 3