2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 23

2018 has seen the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award programme grow in popularity with over 60 new year 10 students starting the challenge at the Bronze level. It is pleasing to see such a motivated and capable group starting their journey towards Gold and most completed the required skill, service and physical recreation sections before taking off on the two overnight expeditions at the end of the year. Finally, special thanks goes to all of the staff involved in the DOE programme this year. In particular, Mrs Gertsch who, as well as joining a Silver and Bronze expedition this year, organised a Gold expedition to Switzerland. We are lucky to have staff involved with the programme who are prepared to offer time and energy to make such memorable trips happen. The Switzerland trip was a life-changing adventure for the students (and staff) involved and hopefully we will be able to offer a similar experience to DOE students again in the future. The Silver students have had a very busy year completing their final expedition for Bronze in February after it was postponed in 2017 due to poor weather conditions. A week later, those keen to carry on with the Silver award completed their training day with Paul Bolt and Heather Grady (Outdoor Training NZ). The training day prepared the group for the challenges they would face a couple of months later during the slightly more rigorous Lake Waikaremoana expedition. Te Urewera is renowned for its spooky mist covered ranges and mossy goblin forest. The eerie silence of the forest was drowned out somewhat this year by the sound of tuneful melodies sung by Wiremu, Joe and Harry and Amber’s pained whimpers as we trudged up towards Panekiri Bluff. Despite a few blisters, the group successfully completed the circuit and enjoyed a triumphant water taxi ride across a glassy Lake Waikaremoana to finish. As I write this article, the group is preparing for their final expedition to the Umukarekare Range in the Kaimanawa Ranges. Our Gold students have been busy completing demanding expeditions, training weekends, residential projects and community service on top of the usual physical recreation and skill requirements. Our congratulations go to Rebecca Richards and Kate McKendry who successfully completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh awards this year. Their award recognises four years of hard work and we are very proud of them both. 23